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Seminars 2008 - 2009

Monday 12:00-1:30pm - Room 203 Luce Hall,

The 2008-2009 Leitner Political Economy Seminar is directed by Ana De La O.

Fall 2008

September 8 - Andrea Vindagni, Princeton University, “A Theory of Military Dictatorships”, schedule meeting

September 15 - Alexandre Debs, Rochester University, “War! Who Is It Good For? The Relationship Between Regime Type, the Fate of Leaders and War”

September 22 - Lisa Blades, Stanford/Harvard Academy, “Counting Calories: Democracy and Distribution in the Developing World”

September 29 - Ken Scheve, Yale University, “The Conscription of Wealth: Mass Warfare and the Demand for Progressive Taxation”

October 6 - Philip Hoffman, Caltech, “Why was it that Europeans conquered the rest of the world? The politics and economics of Europe’s comparative advantage in violence?”

October 13 - Brian Fried , Yale University, “The End of the Closed Corral: Understanding the Decline of Clientelism in Brazil”

October 20 - Sarah Bermeo, Yale University, “Foreign Aid, Foreign Policy, and Strategic Development”

October 24 - Adam Przeworski, New York University, “Democracy, Choice, and Participation”, Download background paper: Przeworski, Adam and Covadonga Meseguer. 2005. “Globalization and Democracy.” In Pranab Bardhan, Samuel Bowles, and Michael Wallerstein (eds.), Globalization and Egalitarian Distribution. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

October 27 - Alberto Simpser, University of Chicago, “Unintended consequences of election monitoring: theory and empirics”

November 3 - Michael Ross, UCLA, “But Seriously: Does Oil Really Affect Democracy?”

November 10 - Ben Olken, NBER/ Harvard Society of Fellows, “Direct Democracy and Local Public Goods: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Indonesia”

November 17 - Dennis Quinn, Georgetown University, “The Economic Origins of Democracy Reconsidered”

December 1 - Paul Lagunes, Yale University, “In Democracy it Pays to be Rich: Wealth’s Effect on Mexican, Legislators’ Responsiveness”

Spring 2009

January 12 - Dan Butler, Yale University, “Why do Republicans Treat Jake Better than DeShawn?”

January 26 - Mariano Tommasi, UDESA/IADB, “The Making of Policy: Formal or Informal Arenas?”

February 2 - John Roemer, Yale University, “The Ethics of Intergenerational Distribution in a Warming Planet”

February 9 - Kathleen Thelen, Northwestern University and and Duane Swank, Marquette University, “Institutional Change and the Politics of Social Solidarity in Advanced Capitalist Democracies”

February 16 - Leonid V. Peisakhin, Yale University, “Does Information Disclosure Reduce Corruption? Evidence from Field-Experiments in India”

February 23 - Kyohei Yamada, Yale University, “National Politics and Local Institutions: Explaining the Beginning of a Two-Party System in Contemporary Japan”

March 2 - Jonathan Rodden, Standford University, “Why the Democrats Need Boll Weevils and Blue Dogs:, The Distribution of Political Preferences across U.S. House”

March 23 - Ryan Garcia, Yale University, “Mandatory National Service and Civic Engagement”

March 30 - Orit Kedar, MIT, “Coalition-Targeted Duvergerian Voting: How Expectations Affect Voter Choice under Proportional Representation”

April 6 - Ethan Siller, Yale University, Cancelled.

April 13 - Juan Rebolledo, Yale University, “Unfinished Business: The Political Economy of Subnational Democracy”

April 17 - Norbert Schady, The World Bank, “Conditional Cash Transfers: Reducing Present and Future Poverty”, Room A002, 77 Prospect Street - (This is a co-sponsored seminar with the Council on Latin American Studies)

April 20 - Guillermo Rosas , Washington University in St. Louis, “Non-ignorable abstentions in roll-call data analysis”

April 27 - Justin Fox, Yale University, “Judicial Review, Policymaking, and Voter Welfare”