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ARCHIVE 2000-2001


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FALL 2000


Zo T. Hmung
President, Chin Freedom Coalition
"Ethnic Political Crisis in the Union of Burma"

Indonesian Martial Arts Demonstration:
Silat Perisai Diri
by Tharyana Sastranegara

Ann Laura Stole
Professor of Anthropology, University of Michigan (co-sponsored with ISS & YCIAS)
"Tense and Tender Ties: American History Meets Colonial Studies"

Mark Leighton
Director, Laboratory of Tropical Forest Ecology, Peabody Museum; Lecturer, Department of
Anthropology, Harvard University
"Paying Local Stakeholders for Forest Conservation, or Opportunities in Times of Crisis in Indonesia"


Jeffrey Campbell
Program Officer, Community Resources Development, Ford Foundation, NY
"Forests for the People, Indigenous Communities (Masyrarakat Adat) or Business as Usual? Plural
Perspectives and Multiple Opportunities for Community Forestry in Indonesia"


Susanne Schroeter
Visiting Professor, Department of Anthropology, Yale University
"Rituals Between Tradition and Modernity: The Annual Cycle of the Ngada of Eastern Indonesia"

Shanti Rabindran
PhD Candidate. MIT; MS Environmental Management (field GIS) Oxford
"The Role of Large and Small Landholders in Indonesia's Fires: A GIS-Econometrics Analysis of Satellite, Land use, and Spacial Data"





Sydney Jones
Asia Director of Human Rights Watch (formerly Head of the Office of Human Rights Affairs,
UN Transitional Administration in East Timor)
"Elusive Justice in Indonesia and East Timor: Obstacles to Investigating Abuses of the Recent Past"


Jan Breman
Professor, Comparative Sociology, University of Amsterdam
"The Impact of the Asian Economic Crisis on Work and Employment in Rural Java"
Asmeen Khan
Senior Environmental Specialist, East Asia Rural Development, The World Bank
"Democratizing Development - The Experience of the Kecamatan Development Project
in Indonesia"
Thongchai Winichaku
Associate Professor, Department of History, University of Wisconsin
"`Siwilai' or the Geography of Civilization in Siam, 1880-1910"
William Duiker
Author of Ho Chi Minh, (Hyperion, 9/00) and The Communist Road to Power in Vietnam.
Professor Emeritus, East Asian Studies, Pennsylvania State University
"In Search of Ho Chi Minh"
Don Emmerson
Director, Southeast Asia Forum, Institute for International Studies, Stanford University
"Global Coverage, Local Knowledge: How Should We Understand the Recent Violence in Indonesia"
Anna Tsing
Professor, Department of Anthropology, U.C. Santa Cruz
"Global Movements: The Travels and Translations of Activist Packages"