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ARCHIVE 2005-2006


                                                 FALL 2005 >      |     SPRING 2006 >


FALL 2005


September 21
David Biggs
Department of History, U.C. Riverside
"Spaces of War: War and Environmental History in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam"
November 9-10
Film Screening Festival
"A Celebration of Southeast Asian Film"
September 28
Alfred W. McCoy
Department of History, University of Wisconsin-Madison
"Surveillance States: Police & Political Transformations in America's Philippine Empire"
November 11-12
Conference:"Regenerations: New Leaders, New Visions in Southeast Asia"
Organized by Yale Students of Southeast Asia Studies. 
Keynote: Jomo Kwame Sundarum, UN Assistant Secretary General for Economic Development
Program > >
October 12
Erik Tagliacozzo
Department of History and Asian Studies, Cornell University
"Remembering Devotion: Southeast Asians and the Pilgrimage to Mecca"
October 19
Meredith Weiss
Research Fellow, East-West Center, Washington
"The Campus as Crucible: STudent ACtivism in Singapore and Malay(si)a"
October 26
Rob Cramb
Agricultural Development, University of Queensland, Australia

"Custom, Capitalism and Conflict: Agricultural Development on Customary Land in Sarawak, Malaysia"
November 9
Saroja Dorairajoo
Postdoctoral Associate, Yale University

"All My Men are Dead: Muslim Women and Violence in Southern Thailand "
November 16
Lee Ray Costa
Anthropology and Women's Studies, Hollins University

"Gender, Sexuality and Nationalism in a Northern Thai Non-governmental Organization"
December 14
P.M. Laksono
Fulbright Scholar in Residence, Lafayette College
Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia

"Visual Mediations Prior to and after the Reformation around Yogyakarta, Indonesia: a Quest for Social Justice"






January 18
Tamara Loos
Department of History, Cornell University
"Competitive Colonialism: Siam and the Malay Muslim South"
February 17
Southeast Asia Spring Cultural Festival
Hosted by the Southeast Asian Language Studies Faculty
January 25
Dan Duffy
Editor, Viet Nam Literature Project
Doctoral candidate, Anthropology, University of North Carolina

"Viet Nam Literature Project"
April 3-7
Tsunami Relief Awareness Week
February 22
Michael Bodden
University of Victoria, B.C. Canada
"Shattered Families": Experimental Form, Transgression, and Cosmopolitanism in the Fiction of Djenar Maesa Ayu"
April 8
Yale Indonesia Forum Conference
Workshop on Islam, Freedom, and Democracy in
Contemporary Indonesia
March 1
Hue Tam Ho Tai
Harvard University
"Starvation in the Rice Fields: The Famine of 1945 in Northern Vietnam"
April 17 and 18
"Power and Performance: Theatrical bodies and Persons in Contemporary Bali"
wo-day residency of Lectures, Workshops and Performances of Balinese dance and music
March 22
Tom Boellstorff
Department of Anthropology, UC Irvine
"Comparatively Queer: Homosexuality and Transgenderism in Southeast Asia"
April 12
Michael Coe
"New Light on the Angkor Civilization: the Beginning, the Middle, and the End"
April 19
Tony Day, Yale University
"Self, Subject, and Literature in Southeast Asia in the Global Age"