Classed Natures: Workshop in the environmental humanities and Southeast Asia Studies
Workshop in the environmental humanities and Southeast Asia Studies
That there are many links between class and nature is obviously globally and makes sense intuitively, but how, from an originary standpoint, do they relate to one another? What do we learn of one through the other and what do we miss of one without attending to the other?
This workshop, Classed Natures, features research currently underway on this topic from a range of disciplines, including history, archaeology, literature, environmental studies, art history, and architecture. The Classed Natures project analyzes the entanglements of class and human relationships with the natural environment in tropical, insular Southeast Asia, bringing two inveterate literatures together within particularized, local settings. In so doing, Classed Natures seeks to develop a framework for understanding local natures as embedded in historicized class and class as embedded in historicized, local natures in Southeast Asian tropical island environments.
The Classed Natures workshop will be held on Monday, December 2, 2024, sponsored by the Council on Southeast Asia Studies at Yale, in conjunction with the forthcoming edited volume Classed Natures, and will run both in person and online.
“Disaster Risk Reduction and Class in the Philippines”, Shelley Tuazon Guyton
“Thermal (dis)Comfort: Environmental Design Conditions of the Bahay Na Bato Houses,” Alberto Martinez Garcia
“From Water Space to Public Space: Reconfiguration of Historical Perspective on Philippine Social Spaces,” Luzile Satur
“Away from Utopia: Nature and Class in Two Philippine Novels,” Glenn Diaz
“Fernando Amorsolo: Master Painter of Philippine Sunlight and Elite Conceptions of Nature,” Nicole CuUnjieng Aboitiz
“Early Agricultural Traditions in South Sulawesi: An Overview of the Cultural Ecosystem and Political Economy of the Bugis Society,” Syahruddin Mansyur, Moh. Ali Fadillah, Muhammad Nur, and Charles Campbell Macknight
“South Seas Hoklo Merchants between Coal and Oil,” Will Sack
Monday, December 2, 2024
9:15-9:20 INTRODUCTION: Nicole CuUnjieng Aboitiz
9:20-9:40 Philippines panel: Climate and disaster positionality
“Disaster Risk Reduction and Class in the Philippines”
Presenter: Shelley Tuazon Guyton
Comment: Erik Harms
9:40-10:20 Philippines panel: Spatial orientations
“Thermal (dis)Comfort: Environmental Design Conditions of the Bahay Na Bato Houses”
Presenter: Alberto Martinez Garcia
Comment: Aurelie Viallette
“From Water Space to Public Space: Reconfiguration of Historical Perspective on Philippine Social Spaces”
Presenter: Luzile Satur
Comment: Aurelie Viallette
10:20-11:00 AM Philippines panel: Cultural production
“Away from Utopia: Nature and Class in Two Philippine Novels”
Presenter: Glenn Diaz
Comment: Jing Tsu
“Fernando Amorsolo: Master Painter of Philippine Sunlight and Elite Conceptions of Nature”
Presenter: Nicole CuUnjieng Aboitiz
Comment: Soumya James
BREAK: 15 minutes
11:15 AM-11:55 AM Southeast Asia Panel
“Early Agricultural Traditions in South Sulawesi: An Overview of the Cultural Ecosystem and Political Economy of the Bugis Society”
Presenters: Syahruddin Mansyur, Moh. Ali Fadillah, Muhammad Nur, and Charles Campbell Macknight
Comment: Sunil Amrith
“South Seas Hoklo Merchants between Coal and Oil”
Presenter 2: Will Sack
Comment: Bradley Davis