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Programs and Events


In addition to conferences, workshops, study groups, cultural events and film screenings, the Council hosts a weekly lunchtime Brownbag Seminar Series featuring invited speakers from a variety of disciplines and institutions chosen for their ability to contribute to discussions of ongoing research by Yale students and faculty, and to reach interested audiences throughout the University. Nearly all of the Council's events are free and open to the public.

The Council sponsors specialized workshops and presentations organized by subsidiary consortiums of students and faculty such as the ongoing Yale Indonesia Forum and the Yale Vietnamese Studies Group.

The Council helped to launch the Cambodian Genocide Project at Yale, supports programs of the Indo-Pacific Art Department at the Yale Art Gallery, and regularly co-sponsors numerous activities in association with related organizations throughout the University.  The Council is a collaborator and supporter of SEAM (Southeast Asian Movement at Yale), a student-run program aimed at creating multimedia platform for the exchange of cutting edge ideas, discussion and interregional engagement on campus.  The Council also works with the student board of ALSEAS (Alliance for Southeast Asia Students) to coordinate support for activities of the various Southeast Asian student groups on campus. (See IYA, KASAMA, MASA, SATAY, ViSA, The Myanmar Project and ALIVE).

The Council provided start-up funding and, together with the Department of Music, continues ongoing support for the Yale Gamelan Suprabanggo....See the Gamelan website for more information.

Members of the Yale and New Haven communities can sign up for e-mail announcements by contacting our program office.