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Faculty Advisors:
 Dinny Aletheiani and Indriyo Sukmono


About YIF

The YALE INDONESIA FORUM (YIF) is an interdisciplinary group that serves members of the Yale community with a common interest in Indonesia and Indonesian affairs.

While YIF actively seeks to raise awareness on Indonesia and its related issues on-campus through various activities, its main focus is to bring together faculty, students, and outside experts to present and discuss scholarship relating to Indonesia in the sub-national, regional, and global context. The group encourages presentations of works-in-progress by students and faculty, and welcomes outside speakers on Indonesia as well. The disciplinary focus is broad; topics of interest include the arts and humanities, social sciences, environmental studies, and current events and policy studies.


September 22-25
Virtual Format via Zoom

 Investigating the Layers between the Apparent and the Underlying

15th International Indonesia Forum Conference


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