Tribunal News
Khmer Rouge Genocide Tribunal
Statement of the Co-Prosecutors, July 18, 2007
Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia
List of Tribunal Judges Appointed
“The Cambodian Genocide and Imperial Culture,” Aztag Daily, April 2005
U.S. Congress Concurrent Resolution submitted by Ms. Millender-McDonald (D-Ca), March 25, 2004
- List of Congressional Co-Sponsors
- Chanrithy Him, letter to Congressman Henry Hyde
United Nations-Cambodia Tribunal Agreement, March 17, 2003
- “Justice for Cambodia,” David J. Scheffer
- “Perfection is the Enemy of Justice,” Gregory H. Stanton
- Conflict and Change in Cambodia, a special issue of the journal Critical Asian Studies
(December 2002), edited by Ben Kiernan - Khmer Rouge Trial Task Force