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Call for Papers for 2024 Conference

Climate Adaptation

20 million people in coastal Bangladesh are at risk from drinking water with very high levels of salinity as a result of climate change. Can an entrepreneurial model feasibly provide safe drinking water at scale? 

With rising sea levels, tidal flooding and storm surges in coastal Bangladesh linked to climate change, fresh water is rapidly getting contaminated by salt water. As a result, salinity levels are 3-5 times above safe drinking water level, creating a shortage of drinking water for 20 million people in coastal areas.

Y-RISE is partnering with BRAC (one of the world's largest NGOs) to test a market-based solution. BRAC will identify technologies, identify and train entrepreneurs and provide microfinance loans. 

Disbursement for Migrations Rangpur


Dhaka Migrant area

Microfinance may improve the lives of the poor by fostering entrepreneurship. Many recent randomized evaluations have sought to test whether this is true in the short-run.

Evidence of the impact of microfinance is mixed.

RCT’s about microfinance mainly evaluate short-term impacts.

Rainfall Insurance

Rainfall index insurance can protect farmers from crop loss associated with rainfall shocks, but take-up remains low. Do subsidies increase take-up, and how does this impact the production decisions of those insured?

Subsidizing formal insurance at various price levels increases take-up.

Farmers who are insured are more likely to switch to high-risk, but higher-yield, crops.

This increases wage volatility for landless laborers working on those farms.

Agricultural Landscape Rangpur
Men on a motorcycle drive through a puddle to deliver vaccines in rural Sierra Leone. Image: Michael Duff