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Francisco Buera

Washington University in St. Louis

Francisco Buera is the Sam B. Cook Professor of Economics at Washington University in St. Louis. His research centers on understanding the patterns of economic development across countries and over time. He has focused on particular aspects of the broader development question, such as the structural changes associated with development, the role of financial frictions in affecting this process, and the diffusion of technologies, economic policies, and institutions across countries. His work aims at filling the gap between the empirical work and the theoretical work, and lies at the intersection of macro and development. He builds aggregate models with empirically motivated microeconomic considerations, such as heterogeneity across sectors and individuals, and market failures, such as financial frictions. Before joining the economics department at Washington University, he held positions at Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, UCLA, the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, and Northwestern University, as well as visiting positions at Princeton University and MIT. His work has received the support of the National Science Foundation, the Kauffman Foundation, and the Consortium of Financial Systems and Poverty at the University of Chicago. He is Associate Editor of the Review of Economic Studies and the American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics.