Cold War

July 5 - 17, 2009
What defines Latin America during the Cold War period? Apart from looking at very obvious manifestations of Cold War politics in Latin America, the program will look at less obvious ones, as well as the period’s effects on politics, the economy, and culture in the region today. Focusing on the Cold War and its legacies, the first Yale-Georgetown Summer Institute for Educators will explore the geography, politics, histories, and economics of the Cold War era. Experts on the Cold War will share their expertise during this dynamic, intensive, interdisciplinary week. The program was complemented by a three-day field study to Washington, D.C. (July 11-14), and included site visits to various museums, Latin American embassies, governmental and non-governmental organizations related to the Cold War. On the last three days, participants took part in the NCSS-PIER Conference.
Sponsored by the Council on Latin American & Iberian Studies, the MacMillan Center, Georgetown University’s Center for Latin American Studies, and the U.S. Department of Education through a Title VI National Resource Center grant. Co-sponsored by the Connecticut Geographic Alliance.
Please contact Elena Gibbons Serapiglia, PIER Director, for more information at 203-432-5605;