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Featured Faculty Research

Albert Laguna, Assistant Professor, Ethnicity, Race & Migration and American Studies

Book: Diversión: Play and Popular Culture in Cuban America; Link to Amazon for purchase  

Dixa Ramirez, Assistant Professor of Caribbean and Latinx Literature; Director of Undergraduate Studies, Ethnicity, Race, and Migration Program, American Studies Program, Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Program, Department of Spanish and Portuguese

Book: Colonial Phantoms - Belonging and Refusal in the Dominican Americans, from the 19th Century to the Present

Rolena Adorno, Sterling Professor of Spanish and Roberto González Echevarría, Sterling Professor of Hispanic and Comparative Literatures

Co-authored the book: Breve historia de la literatura latinoamericana colonial y moderna (Madrid, 2017). The two parts of the Breve historia are hinged by Andrés Bello, the Venezuelan polymath, and range from Columbus to Bolaño, while devoting attention to authors rarely considered by the general public such as Felipe Guaman Poma de Ayala, Esteban Echeverría, and Severo Sarduy

Oswaldo Chinchilla, Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Director of Undergraduate Studies in Archaeology


  • 2017 - Art and Myth of the Ancient Maya. Yale University Press, New Haven. 
  • 2017 - Corpus of Maya Hieroglyphic Inscriptions Volume 10, Part 1: Cotzumalhuapa. Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University, Cambridge. 

Peer-reviewed articles

  • 2018 - Imágenes sexuales en el Popol Vuh. Anales de Antropología 52:153-164.
  • 2016 - Human Sacrifice and Divine Nourishment in Mesoamerica: The Iconography of Cacao on the Pacific Coast of Guatemala. Ancient Mesoamerica 27:361-375.
  • 2016 - Yearning for the Ancestors: Identity in Cotzumalhuapa Sculpture. In The Archaeology of Identity in the Pacific Coast and Highlands of Southeastern Mesoamerica, edited by Claudia García-Des Lauriers and Michael W. Love, pp. 104-125. University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City.
  • 2016 - Just and Patriotic: Creating a National Museum in Guatemala (1831-1930). Museum History Journal 9:60-76.

Invited Lectures 

  • 2017 22nd European Maya Conference, Malmö, Sweden. Workshop: “Myths of the Ancient Maya.” 3 full-day sessions.
  • 2017 Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Conference cycle “Viajeros e intelectuales en el área maya durante el siglo XIX.” Paper presented: “Tras las huellas de la colección del primer Museo Nacional de Guatemala.”
  • 2017 University of Texas, Austin. Sibley Conference “Scaling Up, Scaling Down: Dialogues among Miniatures, Monuments, and ‘Life-Size’.” Paper presented: “Miniature Temples: Thoughts on Early Classic Temple Censers from Escuintla, Guatemala.

Leslie Harkema, Assistant Professor of Spanish, Director of Undergraduate Studies for Spanish

Book: Spanish Modernism and the Poetics of Youth: From Miguel de Unamuno to La Joven Literatura (University of Toronto Press, 2017). Link to Toronoto Press 

Roberto González Echevarría, Sterling Professor of Hispanic and Comparative Literatures

  • El estrellado establo: infinito e improvisación en el Siglo de Oro.  300 pp. MS.  Accepted by Cátedra in Madrid 2017.  Contract signed.
  • Modern Latin American Literature: A Very Short Introduction, Chinese translation.

In Print:

  • Mito y archivo: una teoría de la narrativa latinoamericana. Santa Clara, Cuba: Capiró, 2017.  Sixth edition of this book.
  • With Rolena Adorno, Breve historia de la literatura latinoanoamericana colonial y moderna.  Madrid: Verbum, 2017.
  • La ruta de Severo Sarduy.  Leiden, Holland: Almenara, 2017.  Second expanded and revised edition of 1986 book.
  • Relecturas del cuento hispanoamericano.  Santiago, Chile: Ediciones Universidad Católica de Chile, 2017. 

Articles and reviews

  • “Pedro,”  Homenaje a Pedro Yanes en ocasión de su 90 cumpleaños, Miami: Museo Americano de la Diáspora Cubana, 2017,  7-9.
  • “Lope y Carpentier: el demonio en América, “  Letras Libres (Mexico) Julio 2017, 38-41-
  • “Borges contra Borges: malas traducciones de ‘El Aleph’,”  Nexos (Mexico) no. 473, May 2017, 58-64.  Reproduced in Cronopios (Bogotá).  Appeared in Portuguese as “Borges contra Borges: más traduções de “O Aleph”, in Alea vol.19, no.3, Rio de Janeiro, set./dez. 2017.
  • “Cartas de Severo.” Alea: Estudos Neolatinos (Programa de Pós-graduação em Letras Neolatinas de la Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro). [online]. 2017, vol.19, n.1, pp.13-38.
  • “Prólogo,” Félix Julio Alfonso López, El juego galante: béisbol y sociedad en La Habana (1864-1895).   Havana: Ediciones Boloña- Letras Cubanas, 2016, 7-13.
  • “Sor Juana y la cosmología barroca: ‘Primero sueño’,” Anales de Literatura Hispanoamericana (Madrid), 45 (2016), 287-300.
  • “Cervantes and the Dark Night of the Soul: the Visit to El Toboso (Don Quixote II, 9),” Literatur leben: Festschrift für Ottmar Ette Otmar Ette, ed. Albrecht Buschmann, Julian Drews, Tobias Kraft, Anne Kraume, Markus Messling, and Gesine Müller.  Frankfurt am Main/Madrid: Vervuert – Iberoamericana 2016, 597-604. 
  • “Cervantes as Reader of the First Part of the Quijote,” A Novel Without Boundaries: Sensing Don Quixote 400 Years Later, ed. Carmen García de la Rasilla and Jorge Abril Sánchez.  Newark, Delaware: Juan de la Cuesta, 2016, 55-72.
  • “Don Quijote II, 11bis. Epílogo a las Cortes de la Muerte, ” Cuentos cervantinos, ed. Frederick de Armas and Antonio Sánchez Jiménez.  Madrid: Ediciones del Orto, 2016, 19-20.


  • Antonio Castillo Gómez.  Leer y oír leer: ensayos sobre la lectura en los Siglos de Oro. In Transmodernity vol. 7, issue 2 (2017), 269-71.


  • Review of Lexicon of the Hispanic Baroque.  Transatlantic Exchange and Transformation, ed. Evonne Levy and Kenneth Mills.  In Colonial Latin American Review.
  • Review of César Brioso, Havana Hardball: Spring Training, Jackie Robinson and the Cuban League.  In Florida Historical Quarterly.


  • “Derecho romano y narrativa hispanoamericana: Doña Bárbara, de Rómulo Gallegos,”  Closing Lecture, 1er Simposio Internacional la cultura literaria del derecho: alianzas trasatlánticas,” Universidad de Málaga, December 1, 2017.
  • “Don Quijote and the Transformation of Others,” Keynote lecture at New Jersey’s Premier Performing Arts, Princeton, NJ, June 6, 2017.

Elisabeth Wood, Professor of Political Science, International and Area Studies

  • “The Agrarian Legacies of Latin American Civil Wars in Comparative Perspective,” with Elizabeth Starr. In Saliendo del tierrero: políticas agrarias para la transición hacia la paz”, Francisco Gutiérrez Sanín, ed. (Editorial del Rosario, Bogotá, forthcoming 2018).
  • “The persistence of sexual assault within the US military.” With Nathaniel Toppelberg. Journal of Peace Research. 54(5): 620–633.
  • “What Should We Mean by ‘Pattern of Political Violence’? Repertoire, Targeting, Frequency, and Technique.” 2017. With Francisco Gutiérrez Sanín. Perspectives on Politics 15 (1): 20-41. 
  • “Conflict-Related Sexual Violence.” 2017. With Julia Bleckner. Armed Conflict Survey 2017: 25 – 38. 
  • “Introduction: Land rights, restitution, politics, and war in Colombia.” With Christopher Cramer. Journal of Agrarian Change 17 (4), 733-738.

Noël Valis, Professor of Spanish


Other book publications:

Selected articles:

  • “Crisis, Religion, and Turn-of-the-Century British and American Travel Writing on Spain,” Bulletin of Spanish Studies 92.8-10 (2015), 441-68. 
  • “Lorca’s Grave,” The Yale Review 104.3 (2016), 40-56. 
  • “Celebrity, Sex, and Mass Readership: The Case of Álvaro Retana,” Kiosk Literature of Silver Age Spain: Modernity and Mass Culture. Ed. Jeffrey Zamostny and Susan Larson (Bristol/Chicago: Intellect Books, 2017), pp. 127-51.
  • “‘From the Face of My Memory’: How American Women Journalists Covered the Spanish Civil War,” Society: Social Science and Modern Society 54.6 (Nov./Dec. 2017), 549-59.


  • Unwanted Artists YouTube interview, with Laurence Sledak, Madrid (recorded 11 March 2015; released 7 April 2015), 50 min. (298 views) - Available on YouTube
  •  “Cuando mi madre leía Ulysses,” Conversaciones en el Observatorio: Hispanismos en primera persona, Instituto Cervantes at Harvard University, Cambridge MA, Apr. 7, 2016 - Available on Youtube

David Jackson, Professor and Director of Undergraduate Studies for Portuguese

  • “Desassossegos marítimos: cinco marinheiros”  III Congresso Internacional Fernando Pessoa. Casa Fernando Pessoa, Lisboa.  February, 2017.
  •  “Machado de Assis and the Theater of the World.” In José Luís Jobim, ed. Literary and Cultural Circulation. Oxford: Peter Lang, 2017: 309-325; “Machado de Assis e o teatro do mundo.” In José Luís Jobim, ed.  A circulação literária e cultural.  Oxford: Peter Lang, 2017.
  •  “Manter e Cultivar o Gosto da Leitura.” LIVRO: Revista do Núcleo de Estudos do Livro e da Edição 6 (Novembro de 2016): 249-257.
  •  “A literatura brasileira sem fronteiras.”  Brasil/Brazil, Vol 29, No. 54 (2016): 1-8.
  •  ”The Diaphanous Veil of Satire: Eça’s Message to Machado in The City and the Mountains”. Eça de Queirós e Machado de Assis: Diálogos Transatlânticos. Revista de Estudos Literários 6 (2016): 83-94.

Maria Jose Hierro, Lecturer, Department of Political Science

Hierro, Maria Jose and Guillem Rico (forthcoming). “Economic crisis and national attitudes: Experimental evidence from Spain.” Ethnic and Racial Studies Article in The Atlantic

Florencia Montagnini, Senior Research Scientist, and Director, Program in Tropical Forestry, Global Institute of Sustainable Forestry

  • Montagnini, F. (Ed.) 2017. Integrating landscapes: Agroforestry for biodiversity conservation and food sovereignty. Advances in Agroforestry Series 12, Springer, Cham, 501 pp.
  • Montagnini, F., Somarriba, E., Murgueitio, E., Fassola, H., Eibl, B. (Eds.). 2015. Sistemas Agroforestales. Funciones productivas, socioeconómicas y ambientales. 
  • Serie Técnica Informe Técnico 402, CATIE, Turrialba, Costa Rica. Fundación CIPAV. Cali, Colombia. 454pp. 
  • Montes Londoño, I., Montagnini F.,Ashton, M. 2017. Allometric Relationships and Reforestation Guidelines for Maclura tinctoria, an Important
  • Multi-Purpose Timber Tree of Latin America. New Forests, DOI 10.1007/s11056-017-9617-1
  • Guerrero-Ramirez, N.R., D. Craven, P. B.Reich, J. J. Ewel, F. Isbell, J. Koricheva, J. A. Parrotta, H. Auge, H. E. Erickson, D.I. Forrester, A. Hector, J.
  • Joshi, F. Montagnini, C. Palmborg, D. Piotto, C. Potvin, C. Roscher, J.van Ruijven, D. Tilman, B. Wilsey, N. Eisenhauer. 2017. Diversity-dependent temporal divergence of ecosystem functioning in experimental ecosystems. Nature Ecol Evol Vol. 1: 1639-1642. DOI:10.1038/s41559-017-0325-1.
  • Metzel,R., Montagnini, F. 2015. From “Finca” to Forest: Factors Associated with Conserving and Planting Trees in a Panamanian Agricultural Landscape. Boiset Forets des Tropiques 322: 3-15.

Paul Freedman, Chester D. Tripp Professor of History

  • “Medieval Cuisine and the Seasons of the Year,” in Authority and Spectacle in Medieval and Early Modern Europe: Essays in Honor of Teófilo F. Ruiz,  ed. Yuen -Gen Liang and Jarbel Rodríguez (Abingdon, 2017), pp. pp. 134-146 
  • “A Dossier of Peasant and Seigneurial Violence,” in The Routledge Handbook of Medieval Peasant Revolt, ed. Justine Firnhaber-Baker and Dirk Schoenaers (Abingdon, 2016), pp. 267-278.

Conference papers:

  • “La diòcesi de Vic del Bisbe Berenguer Seniofred e Lluçà a Sant Bernat Calbó”
  • The Diocese of Vic from Bishop Berenguer Seniofred de Lluçà to Saint  Bernard Calbó), Conference “Episcopus: El Bisbat de Vic i l’Església a  Catalunya en el context europeu” (Episcopus: The Diocese of Vic and the  Catalan Church in European Context), Vic (2017)
  • “Jaume Caresmar i l’estudi de l’edat mitjana al segle XVIII” (Jaume Caresmar and the Study of the Middle Ages in the Eighteenth Century),” Conference on “La Creació de la Memòria Monàstica all Llarg dels Segles” (The Creation of Monastic Memory Over the Centuries), Bellpuig de les Avellanes (Spain) (2017)

Marcela Echeverri, Assistant Professor


  • 2016 - Indian and Slave Royalists in the Age of Revolution: Reform, Revolution, and Royalism in the Northern Andes, 1780-1825. Yale University Press, New Haven Link to Cambridge University Press (summary: Echeverri draws a picture of the royalist region of Popayan (modern-day Colombia) that reveals deep crhonological layers and multiple social and spatial textures. She uses royalism as a lens to rethink the temporal, spatial, and conceptual boundaries that conventionally structure historical narratives about the Age of Revolution.)