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Childrens Book Awards
3/30 - Crossing Borders: Literary Exploration in Greece & Beyond. Panos Karnezis, a reading and conversation with the author
4/3 - Peregrine Horden,“Empire and Ecology in the Pre-modern Mediterranean.” 4:30pm, HGS 119A
4/13 - Dimitris Keridis, The Constantine Karamanlis Associate Professor in Hellenic and Southeastern European Studies Fletcher School, Tufts University, “Greece, Bush, & the War on Terror” 4:30pm, Luce Room 202
4/28 - Conference: New Elites, Old Regimes: Trajectories of Imperial Change, 1700-1850. Whitney Humanities Center
5/26 - Conference: Three Moments in Greek History: Irregular War, Identity Formation, & Post-Conflict Historiography. Gennadeius Library, Athens. Co-sponsored by the Eleftherios Venizelos chair of the London School of Economics, the Network for the Study of Civil Wars, the Kokkalis Program, and the Gennadeius Library.