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Latin American and Iberian Studies || Graduate Courses SP11

Graduate Courses Related to Latin America and the Carribean

Spring 2011

Following is a list of courses that may be of interest to graduate students interested in Latin America, Iberia and the Caribbean. Students are advised to confer with the professor to confirm that the course is appropriate to your academic objectives. For further information contact Jean Silk, CLAIS Program Manager, at

African American Studies
AFAM 338 01 (23165) Caribbean Poetry Anthony Reed W 2.30-4.30
AFAM 333 01 (22714) Critical Ethnography Jafari Allen W 1.30-3.20
AFAM 647 01 (20604) Black Feminist Theory & Praxis Jafari Allen T 1.30-3.20
AFAM 817 01 (20609) Readings in Comparative Slavery Edward Rugemer T 1.30-3.20

African Studies
AFST 347 01 (22839) Post-Conflict Politics David Simon MW 1.00-2.15
AFST 356 01 (22895) Collective Action & Social Movements Elisabeth Wood TTh 4.00-5.15
AFST 420 01 (22841) Politics Of Development Assistance David Simon T 1.30-3.20

American Studies
AMST 368 01 (23692) Socialism and Marxism Michael Denning TTh 1.00-2.15
AMST 623 01 (20642) Working Group Globalization & Culture Michael Denning T 1.30-3.20

ANTH 245 01 (22262) Nature and Globalization Karen Hebert MW 1.00-2.15
ANTH 311 01 (22574) Anthropological Theory Bernard Bate MW 2.30-3.45
ANTH 315 01 (22713) Critical Ethnography Jafari Allen W 1.30-3.20
ANTH 382 01 (22373) Environmental Anthropology Carol Carpenter T 9.25-11.15
ANTH 414 01 (21667) Urban Anthropology & Global History Helen Siu W 1.30-3.20
ANTH 473 01 (21703) Civilizations and Collapse Harvey Weiss Th 2.30-4.20
ANTH 572 01 (20668) Disaster,Degradation,Dystopia Michael Dove Th 2.30-5.20
ANTH 591 01 (20605) Black Feminist Theory & Praxis Jafari Allen T 1.30-3.20
ANTH 598 01 (20671) Advanced Readings in Social Science of Development & Conservation Carol Carpenter Th 11.30-2.20

Economics and Ethics, Politics and Economics
ECON 462 01 (21692) Econ of Human Capital in Latin America Douglas McKee W 1.30-3.20
EP&E 243 01 (22685) Political Economy Of Poverty Alleviation Ana De La O Torres T 1.30-3.20
&E 246 01 (22842) Politics Of Development Assistance David Simon T 1.30-3.20

Ethnicity, Race and Migration
&M 224 01 (23693) Socialism & Marxism Michael Denning TTh 1.00-2.15

Forestry and Environmental Studies
F&ES 653 01 (23360) Agroforestry Systems Florencia Montagnini HTBA
F&ES 729 01 (23285) Caribbean Coastal Development Gaboury Benoit HTBA
F&ES 845 01 (23283) Energy Issues in Developing Countries Robert Bailis HTBA
F&ES 846 01 (23336) Topics Environmental Justice Amity Doolittle HTBA
F&ES 869 01 (23338) Disaster, Degradation, Dystopia Michael Dove HTBA
F&ES 952 01 (23337) Property Rights & Natural Resources Amity Doolittle HTBA
ANTH 598 01 (20671) Advanced Readings in Social Science of Development & Conservation Carol Carpenter Th 11.30-2.20
&ES TBA Haiti: Sustainable Development in a Post-Disaster Context Gordon Geballe HTBA

Public Health
&ES TBA Haiti: Sustainable Development in a Post-Disaster Context Gordon Geballe HTBA

HIST 330J 01 (22364) Imperialism & Race: Central America Carmen Kordick W 1.30-3.20
HIST 361 01 (22352) History of Brazil Stuart Schwartz MW 10.30-11.20

International Relations & International Studies
INRL 660 01 (21069) International Political Economy Kenneth Scheve T 9.25-11.15p
INRL 713 01 (21074) Critical Issues in Development Policy Pia Britto Th 3.30-5.20

Political Science
PLSC 118 01 (21589) Moral Foundations of Politics Ian Shapiro MW 10.30-11.20
HLTH 450 01 (22519) Strategic Thinking Global Health Elizabeth Bradley & co. M 3.30-5.20
PLSC 356 01 (22893) Collective Action & Social Movements Elisabeth Wood TTh 4.00-5.15
PLSC 401 01 (21647) Promoting Democracy in Developing Countries Harry Blair W 3.30-5.20
PLSC 423 01 (22684) Political Economy Of Poverty Alleviation Ana De La O Torres T 1.30-3.20
PLSC 430 01 (22840) Politics Of Development Assistance David Simon T 1.30-3.20
PLSC 463 01 (22552) Political Violence Elisabeth Wood W 3.30-5.20

Religious Studies
RLST 162 01 (21441) Catholicism: Second Millennium Carlos Eire MW 2.30-3.20
RLST 278 01 (21639) Christian Understandings Of Evil & Power Of God Shannon Craigo-Snell M 1.30-3.20

Spanish and Portuguese
SPAN 308 01 (23918) Contemporary Poetry Off the Page Ernesto Estrella TTh 11.35-12.50
SPAN 522 01 (21388) Chronicle & Epic Span Middle Ages Kevin Poole W 1.30-3.20
SPAN 712 01 (23095) The Genealogies of Realism Noel Valis W 3.30-5.20
SPAN 790 01 (21389) Methodology Modern Language Teaching Sonia Valle M 3.30-5.00
SPAN 971 01 (21390) Ethics & Writing in Modern Spanish American Narrative Anibal Gonzalez Perez M 1.30-3.20