Latin American and Iberian Studies || Graduate Courses SP12
Graduate Courses Related to Latin America and the Carribean
Fall 2011
Following is a list of courses that may be of interest to graduate students interested in Latin America, Iberia and the Caribbean. Students are advised to confer with the professor to confirm that the course is appropriate to your academic objectives. For further information contact Jean Silk, CLAIS Program Manager, at
African American Studies
AFAM 573 01 (10196)/ANTH 595 01 (10197) Transnatlsm, Modernit & Diaspora Kamari Clarke T 7.00-8.50p
AFAM 697 01 (10198) Research in Slavery & Abolition Edward Rugemer W 9.25-11.15
AFAM 723 01 (10200) Caribbean Diasporic Intellectual Hazel Carby T 1.30-3.20
AFAM 729 01 (10206) New York Mambo: Black Creativity Robert Thompson TTh 11.35-12.50
AFAM 826 01 (10212) Theorizing Diaspora Kobena Mercer W 1.30-3.20
African Studies
AFST 766 01 (10229) Comparative Welfare Policy in Developing Countries Jeremy Seekings W 2.30-4.20
American Studies
AMST 622 01 (10248) Working Group on Globalization and Culture Michael Denning M 1.30-3.20
AMST 643 01 (10195) Theorizing Racial Formations Hazel Carby Th 9.25-11.15
AMST 645 01 (10201) Caribbean Diasporic Intellectuals Hazel Carby T 1.30-3.20
AMST 650 01 (10251)/ANTH510/HIST807 Resistance, Rebellion, and Survival Strategies in Modern Latin America Gilbert Joseph, Patricia Pessar Th 3.30-5.20
AMST 653 01 (10254) Recording Vernacular Music Michael Denning TTh 1.00-2.15
ANTH 545 01 (10299) /ARCG545 Organic Latin American Anthropologists of the Twentieth Century Richard Burger, Enrique Mayer W 1.30-3.20 HLH51 101
ANTH 557 01 (10301) /ANTH357 Anthropology of the Body P. Sean Brotherton T 1.30-3.20
ANTH 561 01 (10302) /F&ES877 Anthropology of the Global Economy for Development and Conservation Carol Carpenter Th 2.30-5.30 KRN 106
ANTH 569 01 (10303) Economic Anthropology Enrique Mayer Th 1.30-3.20
ANTH 581 01 (10304) Intro to Theory & Method Michael Dove Th 2.30-5.20
ANTH 597 01 (10305) /F&ES535 Social Science of Development and Conservation Carol Carpenter T 9.00-11.50 KRN 321
ANTH 638 01 (10307) Culture, Power, Oil Douglas Rogers W 9.25-11.15
ANTH 640 01 (10308) /INRL624 Global Health: Ethnographic Perspectives Marcia Inhorn M 2.00-5.00 SA10 307
ANTH 664 01 (10310) Ethnicity and Indigeneity in a Mobile World Sara Shneiderman T 9.25-11.15 SA10 307
ANTH 763 01 (10321) Archaeologies of Empire Harvey Weiss Th 2.30-4.30
ARCH 341 01 (13022)/ INRL 514 01 (11089) Globalization Space Keller Easterling MW 10.30-11.20
Comparative Literature
CPLT 577 01 (10369) /MDVL559/SPAN519 Framed Narratives of Medieval Europe Maria Rosa Menocal Th 1.30-3.20
CPLT 622 01 (10249) /AMST622 Working Group on Globalization and Culture Michael Denning M 1.30-3.20
CPLT 674 01 (10454) Cervantes’ Don Quixote Roberto Gonzalez-Echevarria W 3.30-5.20
CPLT 949 01 (10202) /WGSS645/AMST645/AFAM723 Caribbean Diasporic Intellectuals Hazel Carby T 1.30-3.20 WALL81 201
Epidemiology of Microbial Diseases
EMD 543 01 (13246) Global Aspects of Food and Nutrition Debbie Humphries MW 1.00-2.20 LEPH 101
ECON 737 01 (10638) Economics of Natural Resources Robert Mendelsohn MWF 10.30-11.20
Forestry and Environmental Studies
F&ES 245 01 (13102)/PLSC146/EVST245 International Environmental Policy and Governance Benjamin Cashore MW 2.30-3.45
F&ES 732 01 (11296) Tropical Forest Ecolgy Florencia Montagnini MW 1.00-2.20 GML
F&ES 839 01 (11269) Social Science of Development and Conservation Carol Carpenter HTBA
F&ES 848 01 (11260) Climate Change: Impacts Adapt & Mitig Robert Bailis HTBA
F&ES 877 01 (10873) Anthropology Global Economics, Development & Con Carol Carpenter Th 2.30-5.30 KRN
HIST 535 01 (10949)/RLST773/JDST761/HIST219/JDST200/RLST148/MMES149 History of the Jews to Early Modern Times Ivan Marcus TTh 11.35-12.50
HIST 544 01 (11018) Church & Society Middle Ages Paul Freedman W 1.30-3.20
HIST 641 01 (11021) Britain and Iberian Atlantic Steven Pincus, Stuart Schwartz T 1.30-3.20
HIST 713 01 (10199) Research in Slavery & Abolition Edward Rugemer W 9.25-11.15
History of Art
HSAR 779 01 (10207)/AFAM112/HSAR379/AFAM729 New York Mambo: Microcosm of Black Creativity Robert Thompson TTh 11.35-12.50 LORIA 250
International Relations & International Studies
INRL 566 01 (10230)/ECON477/PLSC428/EP&E240/GLBL333/AFST766/INTS333 Comparative Welfare Policy in Developing Countries Jeremy Seekings W 1.30-3.20
INRL 730 01 (11105)/PLSC184/INTS378 The United Nations and the Maintenance of International Security Jean Krasno W 1.30-3.20
LAW Course Number: 20611-01 Advanced Immigration and Migration Topics Guttentag
LAW 20547-01 Immigration Law, Policy and Constitutional Rights Guttentag TTh 2:10-4:00 SLB
LAW 20606-01 Law, Politics and Society in Latin America and the Caribbean Kauffman/Miguel Th 12:10p-2:00
LITR 231 01 (11841)/PORT 393 01 (11842) Modern Brazilian and Portuguese Fiction in Translation K. David Jackson TTh 1.00-2.15
LITR 266 01 (12604) Francophone African and Caribbean Literature Christopher Miller T 1.30-3.20
LITR 296 01 (11844)/PORT 392 01 (11845) Brazil’s Modern Art Movement K. David Jackson Th 9.25-11.15
School of Management
MGT 684 01 (10905) Management & Environment Garry Brewer TTh 10.10-11.30 PR135
Political Science
PLSC 510 01 (10711) Intro to Study of Politics Ana De La O Torres M 9.25-11.15
PLSC 587 01 (10733) The People Paulina Espejo M 3.30-5.20
PLSC 924 01 (10784) Political Economy Seminar Series Kenneth Scheve, Thad Dunning M 12.00-1.30
Religious Studies
RLST 875 01 (10962) Indigenous Religions and Ecology John Grim T 2.30-5.20 KRN 321
Spanish and Portuguese
PORT 110 01 (11832) Elementary Portuguese I Marta Almeida M-F 11.35-12.25
PORT 130 01 (11833) Intermediate Portuguese I Marta Almeida M-F 1.30-2.20
PORT 150 01 (11834) Adv Practice in Portuguese Paulo Moreira MWF 1.30-2.20
PORT 246 01 (11835)/SPAN 245 01 (11837) Latin American Film: Brazil, Mexico, and Argentina Paulo Moreira MW 2.30-3.45
PORT 922 01 (10992) Brazil’s Modern Art Week K. David Jackson T 9.25-11.15
PORT 991 01 (10993) Tutorial Staff 3 HTBA
SPAN 132 01 (13001) Spanish For Heritage Speakers I Sybil Alexandrov MWF 11.35-12.25
SPAN 150 01 (13031) Advanced Conversational Spanish Terry Seymour MWF 9.25-10.15
SPAN 222 01 (13038) Legal Spanish Mercedes Carreras MW 9.00-10.15
SPAN 224 01 (13042) Spanish in Politics, International Relations, and the Media Teresa Carballal TTh 1.00-2.15
SPAN 227 01 (13069) Creative Writing Maria Jordan TTh 1.00-2.15
SPAN 243 01 (13073) Advanced Spanish Grammar Terry Seymour MWF 10.30-11.20
SPAN 244 01 (13076) Writing in Spanish Margherita Tortora MW 11.35-12.50
SPAN 261 01 (12629) Studies In Spanish Literature I Susan Byrne MW 4.00-5.15
SPAN 267 01 (13079) Studies In Latin American Litertature II Rolena Adorno TTh 1.00-2.15
SPAN 660 01 (10455) Cervantes’ Don Quixote Roberto Gonzalez-Echevarria W 3.30-5.20
SPAN 324 01 (13084) Lorca: Poetry and Plays Noel Valis MW 11.35-12.50
SPAN 350 01 (12236) Borges: Literature and Power Anibal Gonzalez Perez MW 9.00-10.15
SPAN 519 01 (10370) Framed Narratives of Medieval Europe Maria Rosa Menocal Th 1.30-3.20
SPAN 748 01 (10994) Representing the Spanish Civil War Noel Valis M 1.30-3.20
SPAN 919 01 (10995) Modernismo: Literatura, periodismo, filología Anibal Gonzalez Perez W 1.30-3.20
SPAN 991 01 (10996) Tutorial Staff 3 HTBA
Women’s, Gender, & Sexuality Studies
WGSS 645 01 (10203)/AMST645/AFAM723/CPLT949 Caribbean Diasporic Intellectuals Hazel Carby T 1.30-3.20 WALL81 201