The Northeast Latin American and Caribbean Studies Network
The Northeast Latin American and Caribbean Studies Network (NELACS) was launched in October 2019 and is comprised of 13 institutions:
-Boston College
-Boston University, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico - Boston Center for Mexican Studies
-Brown University
-Bryn Mawr College
-Central Connecticut State University
-Columbia University
-Cornell University
-Princeton University
-University of Connecticut
-University of Pennsylvania
-Wellesley College
-York University, Glendon Campus
-Yale University
Created in partnership with each institution’s Latin American and Caribbean studies’ programs and/or faculty and administrators, NELACS dedicates itself to cross-institutional collaborations and support on topics and efforts about Latin America and the Caribbean, including hosting visiting scholars, supporting graduate students, and working together on conferences and programs.
The network will also host a smaller subgroup of institutions that are a part of the Tinker Field Research grant institutions. As part of this subgroup of student field researchers, the network aims to host student orientations and symposiums. If you’re interested in learning more, connect with the Council on Latin American and Iberian Studies at Yale (CLAIS) that is currently administering the network at