Ana Paulina Gutiérrez Martínez

Ana Paulina Gutiérrez Martínez holds a Bachelor's degree in Anthropology from the Universidad de Querétaro, a Master's degree in Social Science applied to Regional Studies from the Universidad de Quintana Roo, and a PhD in Social Science with a major in Sociology from El Colegio de México.
She is a researcher and professor in the Center for Sociological Studies (CES) and the Interdisciplinary Gender Studies Program (PIEG) at El Colegio de Mexico. Her research lines include sociabilities, autobiographical narratives and gender identity configuration processes, sociodigital networks and gender, and ethnography and qualitative methods.
She has worked as undergraduate and graduate professor in several universities, teaching about her research lines, research methodology, qualitative methods, social theory, and ethnographic methodology. She has given lectures in programmes and courses specialized in gender and sexualities, at institutions as the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) and El Colegio de México. She is currently the academic coordinator of the Master in Gender Studies at El Colegio de México.
She is the author of the upcoming book Atmósferas trans. Sociabilidades, internet, narrativas y tránsitos de género en la Ciudad de México (Trans Atmospheres. Sociabilities, Internet, Narratives and Gender Transits in Mexico City), edited by the Center for Sociological Studies / El Colegio de México. Her recent work includes:
Gutiérrez Martínez, A. P. (2020a). ¿Y tú, das pecho o biberón? Narrativas, identidad de género y lactancia materna. Desacatos. Revista de Ciencias Sociales, 63, 104–121.
Gutiérrez Martínez, A. P. (2020b). Cambios y permanencias en la atmósfera cultural trans femenina de la Ciudad de México. Revista Estudios Sociológicos, 38(112), 73–102.
Gutiérrez Martínez, A. P. (2016). Etnografía móvil. Revista Interdisciplinaria de Estudios de Género, 2(4), 26–45.