Braulia Ines Barbosa Ribeiro
Braulia Ines Barbosa Ribeiro is an MDiv student at Yale University as well as a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Aberdeen, possibly transferring to St Andrew’s. Prior to her life in the US, Braulia was a volunteer social worker/missionary in the Amazon Region for many years. She founded with her husband a non-profit, serving over 30 Amazonian tribes, including some isolated tribes. Her primary work was language analysis, alphabet making, planting ethnic-based schools and doing community development work among indigenous tribes and rural river communities in the western Amazon Basin. Braulia has a BA in Ethnolinguistics and an MA degree in Descriptive Linguistics from the Universidade Federal de Rondônia, and a Graduate Certificate in Political Science from Yale University. Her areas of interest are Political Theology, Bioethics, Moral Theology, The Cia of Jesus in Colonial Brazil, Pentecostal Studies in Brazil and the Global South. She has published in Practical Theology, General political and cultural opinion pieces, and has a few academic papers submitted to a journal of Religion and Violence and Pentecostalism Studies.