Consuelo Dinamarca Noack

Sociologist from the University of Playa Ancha, Master in Gender Studies and Culture, mention in social sciences, University of Chile. Feminist Activist and Porteña Dissident. Research professional of the PIASOC 190025 Ring project "Women and mathematics in Chile: sociology of a disciplinary field from an interdisciplinary and gender perspective". Professor at the Bolivarian University and the diploma in Gender and psychosocial intervention taught by OTEC PRASOC. Her main lines of research are linked to gender, education and gender, science and technology.
Recent publications: " Tejiendo la revuelta desde la trinchera feminista " in " Escrituras Feministas en la Revuelta " Follegati, L., Grau, O. and Aguiler, S. (Coords.) LOM ediciones, and " Tecnocultura patriarcal y sus posibles subversiones " in " Tecnología, Política y Algoritmos en Latinoamérica " Tello, A. (Ed.) Cenaltes ediciones.