Daniela Villegas

My name is Daniela Villegas, I received my PhD in Gender and Cultural Studies from the University of Sydney in Australia for my doctoral thesis titled: ¡Vivas nos queremos! Feminist Activism in Hip-Hop Culture in México: Batallones Femeninos and Mare Advertencia Lirika.
Currently, I am a Post-Doctoral Fellow in the line of political participation and feminisms at the Center for Gender Research and Studies (CIEG) at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). My project examines and explores feminist cultural activisms from the outskirts (periferia) of Mexico City, and is particularly focused on the work of photographer Sonia Madrigal.
More broadly, my research draws from Cultural Studies and Feminist Theory from Latin America. Subsequently, my research topics fall within Latin American feminist activisms, feminist and women's cultural practices and productions in Mexico, girlhood studies, representation of women in media and popular culture.