Diana Tamara Martínez Ruiz

Dra. Diana Tamara Martínez Ruíz Born on September 9, 1972 in Mexico City (47 years). She has a degree in Psychology from the Ibero-American University with a master’s and Doctorate in Social Anthropology from the Center for Research and Higher Studies in Social Anthropology (CIESAS), Mexico City.
She is currently a Full-Time Titular Full-Time Ordinary Professor from the National School of Higher Studies, Morelia Unit. She has the PRIDE stimulus Category C. Within the UNAM, she has held official positions such as the Secretary General of the ENES Morelia from 2012 to 2016 and that of Director of the same School, from March 2016 to March 2020. She is currently the Coordinator for Gender Equality of the University.
She has participated in different collegiate bodies of the University: in the H. Technical Council of the ENES Morelia, in the University Council of the UNAM from the Special Commission of Gender Equity, the Special Security Commission, as well as the four academic councils from different commissions.
She has an academic seniority of 15 years, throughout which she has taught 26 courses at the bachelor's level and 4 at the master's level, in the area of social sciences, In addition to various courses, seminars and workshops at different levels. She is currently part of the tutors of the Postgraduate in Anthropology, the Doctorate in Geography, Postgraduate in Sciences of Sustainability and the master’s degree in Teaching for Higher Secondary Education. Their main lines of research are migration, family and gender, continuities and transformations of cultural life, identities, construction of social imaginaries, as well as affects and subjectivities. The subject of Migration consolidates her as a teacher at ENES Morelia. At the same time, she has directed 11 undergraduate theses, 3 Master's degree and collaborated as technical and synodal reviewer of 4 doctoral theses. She has overseen 4 postdoctoral stays as advisor. Regarding her career in research, she has published 5 books in which she has participated as an author and in others as a co-author, in addition to 16 book chapters and 12 academic articles. She has also served as a reviewer and editorial collaborator in national and international magazines and books; has participated as a speaker in 60 international congresses and 67 national congresses; has collaborated in the organization of around 50 academic events and has participated in 18 events with forum format and encounters. And among her dissemination activities are 10 book presentations and 4 outreach activities in audiovisual media. Among her distinctions and awards obtained are being a member of the System National SNI Researchers Level 1; Honorable mention of the Fray Bernardino de Sahagún in the category of Master's Thesis, in the field of Social Anthropology.
CONACULTA-INAH 2005; Outstanding participation Coatlicue Psychology Award, 2008; Candidate for the “Stephen P. Koff” award for the best doctoral thesis, CIESAS Golfo, 2009; Thesis advisor winner of the 2nd. State Thesis Contest with a Gender perspective bachelor’s level Government of the state of Michoacán, UMSNH-Secretariat for Women, 2010. She is also an active member of the Latin American Studies Association and the College of Ethnologists and Social Anthropologists, A. C.