Edgar Iván Zazueta

He was born in Ciudad Obregón, Sonora. He obtained a degree in psychology from the Instituto Tecnológico de Sonora with the subject of gender equality in the educational field. At the beginning of his professional life, he studied seven semesters in Chemical Engineering, and Biotechnology, coordinating several radio programs about youth debates and children's tales at the same time. Later, as a psychology student, he began to work with groups and collectives for the benefit of sexual and reproductive rights. He studied the master's degree in Regional Development at the Centro de Investigación en Alimentación y Desarrollo A.C. in Hermosillo on the subject of masculinities and divorce. In that same institution, he continues with doctoral studies on the subject of conflicts between heterosexual couples in a poverty situation while combining research with teaching in different private universities in the region. At that period, he also offered different courses and diplomas on sexual diversity and gender to teachers of the main universities of Ciudad Obregón and Hermosillo. He also did a postdoctoral stay at the University of Sonora on the subject of Education for Sustainable Development and was the host and producer of a program on Radio Universidad on Sustainable Development, Gender and Sexuality. Subsequently, he was a full-time professor at the Faculty of Human Sciences of the Universidad Autónoma de Baja California - Mexicali and is currently developing a research for CONACYT at the Dr. José María Luis Mora Research Institute in Mexico City with the topic of democratization in the different types of mexican urban families living in poverty, a vision from the perspective of gender and sustainable development. In addition, he has participated as a professor on gender and human rights as well as the coordination of an inter-institutional seminar on family and diversity and the project with COPRED on discriminatory practices and resilience strategies for LGBT + youth, the case of domestic violence during COVID- 19. He currently coordinates the seminar on intersectional studies of social inequality.