Gisela Zaremberg
Gisela Zaremberg has a Ph.D. in Social Sciences Research with Specialization in Political Science in Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, Campus Mexico (FLACSO, Mexico), Mexico. She has a Master on Social Policy and a BA on Sociology in University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Since 2003 she is a Full Time Professor-Researcher and the Coordinator of the Master on Public Policy and Gender in FLACSO Mexico. Her main research topics are gender, public policy and politics. She is currently researching on conservative religious backlash in Latin America, particularly in Brazil and México. Between her publications, we can find the book Women, Votes, and Welfare Services in the Mexico priista and the Argentina peronista, for which she received in 2010 the Dona Lee Van Cott Award for the “Best Book on Latin American Institutions” (LAPIS, LASA).