Itzel Mayans Hermida

Since 2017 is professor and researcher in political theory at Instituto Mora in Mexico City. Currently, she is the dean of the Master Degree in Political Sociology and she is also part of the National System of Researchers.
She specializes on the discussions about Abortion, Reproductive Rights, Public Reason, Laïcité, and Deliberative Democracy. In her book: "The Abortion Controversy from a Perspective of Public Reason", analyzes the moral arguments offered, both in favor or against abortion, to show why each one of them are accurate or inaccurate to guide our public discussions on the subject, from a shared citizenship perspective.
She has her Master and PhD Degrees in Political Philosophy from the Faculty of Philosophy and Literature and the Institute of Philosophical Research at UNAM. Her BA is in Political Science from the Iberoamerican University in Mexico City. She also has postdoctoral studies from the Institute of Legal Research at UNAM (March – October 2017) and during the academic year 2011 – 2012 she was Visiting Student Research Collaborator at Princeton University.
She has taught undergraduate and graduate courses on political theory, epistemology of the social sciences, historiography, public ethics, and theories of the State at Instituto Mora, The Iberoamerican University, The Institute of Technology and Higher Education and the Faculty of Philosophy and Literature at UNAM.