Katie Brown

Katherine (Katie) Brown is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Spanish & Portuguese. She received her B.A. in Hispanic Studies with a minor in French & Francophone Studies from the College of William & Mary in 2013. Her dissertation project examines the transformation of architectural topoi in Miguel de Cervantes’ late works as a means of articulating new concepts of self, place, and literary form in early modern Spain. In addition to her research on literary and cultural production in the Spanish Golden Age, Katie is interested in colonial Latin American literature, transatlantic literary and cultural studies, and representations of early modern literatures and cultures in present-day constructions of national identities in the Hispanic world. Her articles on the Libro de buen amor, Cervantes, and Borges have appeared in journals such as the Bulletin of Spanish Studies, the Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, eHumanista, and Cervantes.