Lucía Ciccia

Researcher at the Center for Research and Gender Studies at the National Autonomous University of Mexico.
Lucía Ciccia joined the Center for Research and Gender Studies in 2019 in the area of Gender in Science, Technology and Innovation with the project “The incorporation of a gender perspective in the production of biomedical knowledge: Neurosciences and mental disorders”. Lucía holds a PhD in Gender Studies from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA), and a Bachelor of Biotechnology from the National University of Quilmes (UNQUI), both in Argentina. She carried out two years of research in at the Department of Physiology of the Nervous System at the Faculty of Medicine (UBA) as a CONICET’s doctoral fellow. She redirected her work towards Feminist Epistemology, finishing her doctorate at the Interdisciplinary Institute for Gender Studies at the Faculty of Philosophy and Literature (UBA). Her doctoral dissertation focused on the critical analysis of the neuroscientific discourse about sexual difference. She was part of the Institute of Philosophical Research (IIF-SADAF) from 2014 to 2018. In 2017, she was awarded first mention of the Bioethics Award sponsored by the Dr. Jaime Roca Foundation for her work “Sex and gender as variables in biomedical research and clinical practice”.
Her lines of research are: feminist epistemology and mental health, embodied mind, new feminist materialisms, situated knowledge and biological interpretation of genders.