Manus McCaffery

Manus McCaffery graduated from Stanford with a focus on energy and environmental policy. Afterwards, he spent three years working with the Mongolian Foreign Minister on regional energy and environmental policies. His focus was on how to sustainably mine uranium and increase international security and cooperation in the nuclear sector. Following the Fukushima disaster, he spent two years working in environmental risk management for USAID. He traveled frequently to the DR Congo, where he coordinated the risk management component of a $90 million Food for Peace project. He also traveled to Honduras, Malawi, Haiti, El Salvador, and Paraguay to lead environmental compliance workshops for the US government. He was subsequently named a UNESCO Global Youth Ambassador for Sustainable Development and awarded a Gates Cambridge Scholarship to complete an MPhil at the University of Cambridge. At Yale, Manus has worked with the Wildlife Conservation Society tracking deforestation in Central American rainforests as well as the Ukrainian Parliament on natural gas geopolitics. He is a citizen of Ecuador and the United States.