Mariana De Lucio
Feminist lawyer graduated from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and current student of the graduate program in Human Rights at the same University. She is part of the program "Workshops for Gender Equality and Non-Violence at UNAM" and is currently earning a Diploma in "Gender perspective for work in educational communities." In addition, she studied the course on Access to Justice and Protection of Human Rights in Comparative Law taught by Boston College Law and the University of Münster (2020). She currently works at the National Council to Prevent Discrimination (CONAPRED) in Mexico, supporting the legal guidance provided to victims, civil society organizations or collectives that file petitions before the Council and that refer the existence of alleged discriminatory acts, omissions or social practices, including discrimination based on gender. She has participated as legal advisor to the Coordination for Gender Equality at UNAM, focusing on the revision of the Law on Science, Technology and Innovation proposed in the Mexican Congress. She was a research assistant for the article "The Impact of the Constitutional Reform on Human Rights on Electoral Justice with a Gender Perspective" to be published in the project "The Constitutional Reform on Human Rights (2011-2021). An Evaluation with a Future Perspective." She is producer and host of a podcast in conjunction with another lawyer in which, with the support of special guests, make visible issues of social relevance, especially gender issues. Focused on achieving gender equality through collectivity, networks and daily work.