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Marisa Belausteguigoita

Marisa Belausteguigoita completed a PhD. at the University of California at Berkeley. Full Professor at the School of Humanities at UNAM. She analyzes the relationship between critical pedagogies, artistic and juridical practices from the perspective of gender studies, focus on women’s access to justice in their relation to the prison system. Director of the Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios de Género/ Center for Gender Research and Studies (CIEG/ UNAM) and the project Mujeres en Espiral: sistema de justicia, perspectiva de género y pedagogías en resistencia / Spiral turns: perspectives from gender, justice, and pedagogies in resistance. Mujeres en Espiral an academic, artistic and activist initiative that works juridically, pedagogically and artistically with women in prisonf Her latest publication is Critical Terms in Caribbean and Latin American Thought: Historical and Institutional Trajectories (2016) in collaboration with Yolanda Martínez San-Miguel and Ben Sifuentes-Juauregui (Rutgers University), translated into Spanish in 2018 by Revista de Critica Literaria Latinoamericana (RCLL).. Her work has been recognized with several awards including the Omecíhuat from the Instituto Nacional de las Mujeres INMUJERES DF, in 2013 the Gender Studies Program PUEG received the Margherita von Brentano award from the Freie Universität Berlin in Germany. In 2015, she was awarded two first prizes (best film and best director) in the FICFUSA film festival in Colombia for the co-direction and screenplay of the documental Nos pintamos solas/Mirrors and Walls in female prisons. Most recently in 2017, the short film Women Hollowing Cry was awarded first prize in the category of best social short film in the Short Film Festival of La Rioja Argentina. . In 2019 Belausteguigoita was granted the “Andrés Bello” chair Culture and Civilizations in the Americas at the King Juan Carlos I Center at NYU (Spring 2019), for her work on female prisons in México City