Miguel Corral
Miguel Corral is a doctoral candidate at the Latin American Studies program in the National Autonomous University of Mexico. His research “Biomedicalización marica” focuses on the role of the hegemonic health model in the re-configuration of the social imaginary about AIDS among gay men in Latin America; and more broadly, he is interested in the processes of subjectivation and medicalization of non-normative sexualities and AIDS: their cultural and political representations and effects. He has a degree in Psychology from the Autonomous University of Baja California, has studies in Community Social Psychology from the University of Buenos Aires and he received his master’s degree in Cultural Studies at El Colegio de la Frontera Norte. He has taught undergraduate courses at the Faculties of Sociology and Medicine and Psychology at UABC, as well as in Psychology at Ibero-Tijuana. He has coordinated research projects in Mexico, Latin America and the Caribbean, and South and East Africa on HIV, sexual and reproductive health, sex work, youth, and discrimination against LGBT people.
In addition, he has been invited as a speaker in the exhibition “El Chivo Expiatorio: AIDS + violence + action", of the Museum of Mexico City, as well as in the exhibition "Elements of Vogue" of the University Museum of El Chopo. He is also visiting professor at the Introduction to Contemporary Art Seminar at the University Museum of Contemporary Art (MUAC).
Likewise, he has been a defender of human rights in HIV and sexual diversity for almost twenty years, serving as national coordinator of the Youth Coalition for Sexual Education and Health (2009-2011), Mexican Delegate on HIV issues to the United Nations General Assembly (2011), Member of the National Council for the Prevention and Control of HIV-AIDS (2008-2010; 2018-2021) and President of the San Diego-Tijuana Binational Committee on HIV (2017-2019; 2021-2024). He was a fellow by the US Embassy in Mexico in the International Leaders Program in LGBT Issues, and currently serves as Secretary of the AMEB (Mexican Association of Alumni).