Monique Ulysses

Monique Flores Ulysses is a Mexican/Cypriot doctoral student in the Department of History. Monique is a cultural historian of 20th c Mexicans, Mexican-Americans, and Indigenous peoples as related to American Empire and overlapping colonialisms. Specifically, she is interested in the role American Empire has played in shaping the popular cultures of México and the United States in relation to music, fashion, and physical culture; la frontera/the border between México and the United States; the ways in which Mexicans, Mexican-Americans, and Indigenous peoples navigate their relationships to México and the United States as colonial nation states; and divergent understandings of race in relation to marginalized femininities and masculinities on both sides of la frontera. She is also interested in how dystopian imaginaries and American ideas of México intersect. Monique is indebted to, and her work is guided by, anti-racist, intersectional, and decolonizing feminisms.