Nicholas Fields

Nicholas Fields is a Master of Environmental Management (MEM) Student at the Yale School of the Environment and Foreign Fulbright Scholar hailing from Barbados. Prior to starting the MEM program, he worked for nine years in the environmental not-for-profit space, initially in areas of advocacy, community engagement and learning, and facilitating public-private sector partnerships for marine environment conservation; and subsequently in climate vulnerability and resilience in Small Island States. At the Yale School of the Environment, Nick hopes to achieve a few objectives: to build his foundations in energy and the environment, particularly in the context of climate change mitigation and adaptation; to become more competent in advanced climate resilience and sustainability discourse and practice; and to improve his quantitative analysis skillsets. His career goal is one that encompasses work in climate, the natural environment and geospatial analysis, especially related to issues of climate vulnerability, adaptation and resilience of nature, people and places.