Nina Hoetchl

Visual artist, researcher, curator and teacher. Based in UNAM’s Center of Gender Research and Studies (CIEG), Hoechtl conceives and practice research as a transdisciplinary endeavor combining artistic, archival and analytical practices with the study of visual arts, in particular visual culture, and queer, post- and de(s)colon/ial/izing feminist theories and practices. In 2013 Hoechtl received a PhD from Goldsmiths University of London (EN). Then, she was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Institute of Aesthetic Research (IIE), UNAM. In 2018 her film ¡HAUNTINGS IN THE ARCHIVE! (2017) won the WOMEN'S VOICE NOW BEST DOCUMENTARY FEATURE AWARD. In her most recent project, “Delirio güero” (2016-2021) Hoechtl explored what she conceives as ‘delirio güero’ (white delusion) in Mexico. This project led, among other products, to the video Delirio güero. 2211, 2018, 1825 and back, and an essay entitled “A Visual Glossary: Delirio güero (White Delusion)”, which was published in 2020 in Sharpening the Haze (Ubiquity Press). In 2022, she joined the CIEG with the project “IMAGINAR OTROS FUTUROS. La ciencia ficción y la creatividad reparativa como herramientas para la justicia transformadora”.