Pablo Wong Salido

Pablo Wong Salido is pursuing an MBA at the Yale School of Management. Throughout his career at CEMEX in Latin America, he has experienced how private corporations can implement projects that not only provide a financial return, but also support the development of communities. One of his most meaningful experiences to date was executing a Public-Private Partnership investment in Monterrey, Mexico: the infrastructure for Ecovía, the first bus rapid transit system line in the city. Pablo participated in the full-cycle of the project, from building a financial model, presenting the investment case to internal clients, preparing a winning proposal for the project’s bid, attending demands from government clients and tracking profitability during the operation stage.
Pablo has also worked on a quantitative framework to help local government authorities in Mexico decide which financing mechanism, PPP or traditional public works, is more beneficial for society in infrastructure projects. In the arena of sustainability, he participated in construction industry forums, where he proposed the introduction of the Life-Cycle Cost Analysis concept into Mexico’s Federal Law of Public Works and Related Services.
Outside of the office, as a career mentor at the Monterrey Tech, Pablo coached future graduates on their job search. More recently, he has adopted a similar approach to help Yale SOM attract the best students from the Latino community.