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Sandra Ivette González

PhD in Latin American Studies, UNAM, with the thesis: Body, violence and transgression. Constellations of women who wrote poetry during the dictatorships in Chile and Argentina. She did a research stay in both countries to interview some of the poets and writers who wrote during the dictatorship. She received her B.A. in Communication, and studied her Master’s in Latin American Studies, graduating with a thesis on the aesthetic universe of Alejandra Pizarnik, as a proposal to demystify the poet. She is a professor at the Degree Program in Communication of FES Acatlán, UNAM, in the Theory and Methodology Department. Her work is focused on: poetry written by women in violent conditions, feminist pedagogy, and feminist genealogies and constellations. She has published two books of poetry Apuntes para entrar en un jardín and Del cuaderno de notas de la Mujer Pájaro o algunas maneras de despedirse. She also belongs to the “Ibero-American Network of Feminism and Communication for Social Justice”.