Suzette M Sánchez Iudicello

I was born in Córdoba, Argentina and I am currently living in Bariloche, Rio Negro Argentina. I am a Psychologist from the National University of Córdoba. I have a Gender, Social Sciences and Public Policy Diploma from the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences, FLACSO; a Master's Degree in Gender and at the present time I am a PhD candidate in Social Sciences from the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (FLACSO, Argentina). I am also currently working as a National Scientific and Technical Research Council’s Doctoral Fellow at the Institute for Research in Cultural Diversity and Process of Change, (IIDyPCa) of the National University of Rio Negro-CONICET. My Research Project focuses on institutionalization and implementation of gender policies processes in state spaces of Science and Technology, in which I investigate perceptions, representations, incorporation strategies, resistance and resilience of the Gender agenda.