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LIFFY 2022 Program Announced!

The Latino & Iberian Film Festival at Yale (LIFFY) began as a local film series in the late 1990s before expanding into a regional festival. In 2015, the festival took on its current shape and changed its name to the Latino & Iberian Film Festival at Yale (LIFFY). It strives to promote cultural awareness, mutual understanding, and unity among people of different backgrounds. It carries out this mission by showing films that share the stories and perspectives of people from the diverse countries, languages, and cultures of Latin America and the Iberian Peninsula.

We are happy to announce LIFFY 2022’s program today! All films presented at LIFFY are shown in their original languages with English subtitles. It’s FREE & OPEN to the public (except Thursday morning screenings for school children.)

Download the PDF of the program here.

Monday, Nov. 7

5pm  Aud. 53 Wall St. Buñuel: Cineasta surrealista w/Q&A with filmmaker Javier Espada (Spain) (sponsored by Dept of Spanish & Portuguese)


Luis Buñuel, pionero del más puro cine surrealista desde “Un perro andaluz” y aunque quiso abandonarlo tras “La edad de oro”, mantuvo continuas referencias a los postulados surrealistas durante su carrera cinematográfica en México y posteriormente en Francia y España. Buñuel nunca dejó de cultivar estos principios surgidos de su infancia, elementos que, como los sueños, han formado parte de sus pilares creativos más básicos y han configurado gran parte de la singularidad de su cine.El cine de Buñuel, como las pinturas de Goya, está en los caminos creativos de cineastas, pero también de escritores, pintores o autores de teatro. Este documental permitirá a una nueva generación de jóvenes espectadores descubrir a este cineasta universal.La visión de Buñuel sigue siendo provocadora, además de verse realzada por sus vínculos con el arte y la literatura. Luis Buñuel, pioneer of the purest surrealist cinema since “An Andalusian Dog” and although he wanted to abandon it after “The Golden Age”, he maintained continuous references to surrealist postulates during his cinematographic career in Mexico and later in France and Spain. Buñuel never ceased to cultivate these principles that emerged from his childhood, elements that, like dreams, have formed part of his most basic creative pillars and shaped a large part of the singularity of his cinema. Buñuel’s cinema, like Goya’s paintings, is in the creative paths of filmmakers, but also of writers, painters and playwrights. This documentary will allow a new generation of young audiences to discover this universal filmmaker. Buñuel’s vision remains provocative, as well as enhanced by his links with art and literature.

Virtual screenings on Eventive for Monday

Group 1: Shorts from Spain I

Algo así como la noche. Alván Prado. Spain, 2022. 10:00min

Synopsis: En una fría tarde de abril a la bajada de una montaña, Marcos e Iván se verán enfrentados a decidir si ocultar o hacerse responsables de un acto que acaban de cometer.

On a cold April afternoon, coming down a mountain, Marcos and Iván will be faced with deciding whether to cover up or take responsibility for an action they have just committed.

Aquellos días, este tiempo. Alejandro Moreno Escalante. Spain, 2022. 4:00min (experimental)


Él reflexiona sobre el amor después de haber vivido un romance. Todos los pensamientos, sentimientos y dudas que le asaltan, se mezclan en un viaje personal donde se cuestionará la conexión que una vez tuvieron y no supieron mantener. Antes de desaparecer para siempre, el eco de aquel sentimiento resuena por última vez. He reflects on love after living a romance. All the thoughts, feelings and doubts are mixed in a personal journey, where he will question the connection that they once had and did not know how to keep. Before disappearing forever, the echo of that feeling resounds for the last time.

Fils trencats. Josep Oller. Spain, 2021. 20:00min.


Berta es una mujer viuda de ochenta años que huye de los malos tratos de su único hijo. Vive sola, no se atreve a salir de casa y solo puede contar con la ayuda de Mouna, que va a su casa un par de veces por semana y le hace las compras. Todo cambia cuando aparece Haru en su vida, un perrito que le recuerda mucho a uno que le regaló Jaime (su difunto marido), y que se acaba de colar en su casa… Berta is an eighty year old widow who is fleeing the mistreatment of her only son. She lives alone, not daring to leave her house and only able to count on the help of Mouna, who goes to her house a few times each week and does her shopping. Everything changes when Haru appears in her life, a little dog that reminds her of the one that her late husband gave to her, and that has just snuck into her house…

8:19. María Guerra.Spain, 2022. 13:00min


8:19 es una pequeña galería de personajes que viven, sin saberlo, sus últimos 8 minutos y 19 segundos en diversas situaciones, absolutamente cotidianas, alejados de cualquier épica social o individual, dejando que el tiempo pase, retrasando decisiones, aplazando encuentros y placeres. Pensando que tienen un futuro al que llegar. Como todos. 8:19 is a small gallery of characters who are unknowingly living their last 8 minutes and 19 seconds in various everyday situations, letting time go by, delaying decisions, postponing meetings and pleasures. Characters who think there is a future to be reached. Like everyone.

Cohete. La Masia Reels. Spain, 2021. 4:35 min.


Matías quiere construir un cohete para volar junto a su madre, que falleció hace unos meses. Matías wants to build a rocket to fly to be with his mother who passed away a few months ago.

Typical Spanish. Pedro Rudolphi. Spain, 2020. 4:43 min.


Francisco Javier dons his spectacular bullfighter’s outfit ready to enter the ring and do battle with fate - or at least that’s what it looks like. Really he’s just one of us, trying to survive in today’s world. Francisco Javier se pone su traje de torero listo para entrar en el ruedo y luchar con el destino - o al menos parece así. Actualmente, es uno de nosotros, tratando de sobrevivir en el mundo de hoy. 

Group 2: Shorts from Spain II

Colada. Ibon Hernando. Spain, 2020. 9:27 min.


María está enamorada de su vecina Susana. Quiere que Susana se enamore de ella también, pero solamente se encuentran en el rellano, donde hacen la colada. María is in love with her neighbor Susana. She wants to make her fall in love, but she only meets her on the landing, where they tend the laundry.

17 minutos con Nora. Imanol Ruíz de Lara. Spain, 2021. 19:00 min.


Nora está preocupada porque participa en el programa de teatro de su escuela, pero el bullying de sus compañeros de clase la obliga a enfrentarse a algo mucho más importante: la aprobación de su padre. Los 17 minutos que siguen cambiarán su relación para siempre. Nora is worried because she’s performing in a play at her school, but being bullied by her classmates makes her face something much more important: being accepted by her dad. The following 17 minutes will change their relationship forever.

 XSmall. Alba Gutiérrez.Spain, 2022. 13:00min.


Tania se ha comprado unos pantalones para ir a una fiesta. Cuando se los prueba, comprueba que no le valen. Un pequeño contratiempo. Pero para Tania ponerse otros pantalones no es una opción.Tania bought a pair of pants to go to a party. When she tries on them, she finds out they don’t fit her. A little mishap. However, for Tania putting on other pants is not an option.

Zama. Miguel Ángel Marqués Bordoy. Spain, 2022. 9:00 min.


Oliver encuentra una fotografía enterrada en la playa. Detrás de esa foto se encuentra la historia de seres humanos que sacrifican sus vidas cada día persiguiendo un sueño. Uno de ellos es Zama. Oliver finds a photograph buried on the beach. Behind that photo there are the story of people who sacrifice their lives every day looking for of a dream. One of them is called Zama.

Los olvidados. Javier Goytre. Spain, 2022. 9:00 min.


15 de los 14 deportados de Fuente Obejuna y aldeas nunca regresaron de los campos de concentración nazis. Un documental elaborado por el alumnado y el profesorado del IES Lope de Vega de Fuente Obejuna, Córdoba. 15 of the 14 deportees from Fuente Obejuna and villages never returned from the Nazi concentration camps. A documentary made by the students and teachers of the IES Lope de Vega de Fuente Obejuna, Córdoba.

Las Américas 84. Marcos Gualda.  Spain, 2021. 8:56min.


Las Américas ‘84 es un corto de ficción que habla de la paternidad, la amistad y los valores que transmite la práctica del baloncesto Las Américas ‘84 is a short fiction film that speaks about fatherhood, friendship, and the values that come from playing basketball.


Tuesday, Nov. 8

4pm HQ 107  Talk by Javier Espada “Buñuel y el arte” in Spanish (sponsored by Dept. of Spanish and Portuguese)

7pm. Aud. 53 Wall St .  Documentaries about Venezuela

Nos vemos pronto/ See you soon.Andrew Kirschenbaum 25 min.


Filmed in various locations throughout Colombia, from the Venezuelan border to the urban capital of Bogotá, Nos Vemos Pronto chronicles the stages of Venezuelan immigration through direct accounts from unsettled and settled refugees. Narrated by the poetry of Johanna, a Venezuelan immigrant who left seeking better opportunities, we get a glimpse into the tribulations, challenges and multi-facet experiences one faces leaving their home country as an immigrant and refugee. Nos Vemos Pronto chronicles a piece of the journey for los caminantes (the walkers) who are migrating by foot from Venezuela to places as far as Peru. Nos Vemos Pronto is impossible to watch without grappling with our own humanity and realizing the dire conditions of the current Venezuelan diaspora. Nonetheless, Nos Vemos Pronto also provides a message of hope, offers untold perspectives, and reveals nuanced and universal dimensions of immigration.

Érase una vez en Venezuela/ Once upon a time in Venezuiela Anabel Rodríguez. 100 min

Q&A with filmmakers


When filmmaker Anabel Rodríguez Ríos visits a remote floating village in Venezuela to see its eternal lightning storms, she discovers another ongoing and alarming situation taking place… Congo Mirador was once a magical, thriving fishing community, built on stilts near Latin America’s biggest oil field. But more recently, Venezuela has been spiraling into chaos and violence, and the village itself is literally sinking from pollution and neglect - a prophetic reflection of Venezuela itself. At the center of the village’s existential fight stands two female leaders: Mrs. Tamara, the Chavez-worshiping coordinator, not above bribery and intimidation, and Natalie, her most vocal critic and school teacher. As confidence erodes under President Maduro and Venezuela shapes up to become the world’s worst refugee crisis in 2020, outpacing the displacement in Syria, will the village find a way to stay afloat or will it become a political and ecological sacrifice? Over seven years, Once Upon A Time In Venezuela bears witness to the corrosive consequences of corruption that reaches the farthest corners and pits neighbor against neighbor in a struggle for survival.

Virtual screenings on Eventive for Tuesday

Feature film: Já Nada Sei (Just Let Me Go).  Luis Diogo. Portugal. 2022. 93min.Geoblock to be shown only in USA


Ricardo and Ana are a thirty something couple, chosen to be the subject of a documentary about relationships. For 15 days the documentary team will record them, as well as their friends, family and colleagues, making a recap of their 18 years together. What nobody knows is that Ricardo wants to leave Ana, but hasn’t had the courage to do so. The documentary forces him to face this reality and, in his search for answers, he involves three very close friends who share different views about their relationship and what he should do. With each conversation, he becomes even more confused. Ricardo y Ana son una pareja de treinta años, elegidos como el sujeto de un documental sobre las relaciones. Por 15 días, el equipo del proyecto los grabará, además de sus amigos, familia y colegas, haciendo un resumen de los 18 años que han pasado juntos. Lo que no sabe nadie es que Ricardo quiere abandonar a Ana, pero no ha tenido el coraje para hacerlo. El documental lo obliga a enfrentarse a esta realidad y, en su búsqueda para soluciones, él implica a tres amigos que tienen diferentes perspectivas en su relación y qué debería hacer.  Con cada conversación, él se pone más confundido.

Group 3: Shorts from Brazil and Portugal

Magnético. Ilka Goldschmidt & Cassimiro Vitorino. Brazil. 25:00min


A pequena cidade de Ipuaçu, no oeste de Santa Catarina, é a capital nacional dos agroglifos. Entre outubro e novembro os círculos aparecem. Anoitece e não tem nada. Amanhece e os desenhos estão lá, no meio do trigo. Seres de outros planetas? Em Magnético, os seres humanos dão suas versões da história. Afinal, até que provem o contrário, eles existem. The small town of Ipuaçu, in the west of Santa Catarina, is the national capital of agroglyphs. Between October and November the circles appear. It gets dark and there’s nothing. Dawn and the drawings are there, in the middle of the wheat. Beings from other planets? In Magnético, humans give their versions of the story. After all, until proven otherwise, they exist.

A Deus Querer. Mónica MacDowell. Brazil. 19:00min


SI DIOS QUIERE ”Si Dios Quiere” es el segundo cortometraje de la trilogía poética de Mônica Mac Dowell sobre los múltiples personajes que viven en la Comunidad Reduto en São Miguel do Gostoso/RN. ”Si Dios Quiere” presenta la historia de vida de Seu Dadá, un personaje importante para la preservación de la cultura, la historia y la memoria de la comunidad. Seu Dadá vive de la cría de ganado, del cultivo de la quema y de la producción de miel y, como un encantador de abejas, recoge instintiva y espontáneamente las colmenas sin la protección de ropa ni guantes adecuados. Conduce el rebaño por los pastos cantando una melodía de manera peculiar por los paisajes de la región, donde el paisaje semiárido de lo Agreste se funde con las aguas de la costa de São Miguel do Gostoso. Filmado con un teléfono celular, con banda sonora original de Valéria Oliveira, el documental presenta una estética naturalista donde el ambiente y el personaje se complementan y se mezclan y la vida simple y cotidiana del protagonista toma los contornos de una condición épica. AT GOD’S WILL “At God’s will” is the second short film in the poetic trilogy by Mônica Mac Dowell about the multiple characters who live in the Reduto Community in São Miguel do Gostoso/RN. “At God’s will” presents the life story of Mr. Dadá, an important character for the culture, history and memory preservation of the community. “Seu Dadá” lives of raising cattle, cultivating the land and producing honey and, like a bee charmer, instinctively and spontaneously collects the hives without the protection of proper suits or gloves. He leads the herd along the pastures singing a heardcalling in a peculiar way through the landscapes of the region, where the semi-arid scenery of the Agreste merges with the waters of the coast of São Miguel do Gostoso. Filmed with a cell phone, with an original soundtrack by Valéria Oliveira, the documentary presents a naturalistic aesthetic where the environment and the character complement and merge with each other. The simple and everyday life of the protagonist takes on the edges of an epic condition.

Kafka’s Doll. Bruno Simöes, Portugal. 2022 (animation) 10:00min.


Cuando el enfermo Kafka encuentra a una niña llorando en el parque, se dispone a escribirle una carta al día para contarle sobre los viajes ficticios de su muñeca perdida. Luego regresa todos los días para leerle esas cartas, y en su búsqueda para ayudarla a encontrar un sentido de resolución personal, termina encontrando la suya propia en formas que no podría haber imaginado previamente. When an ill Kafka meets a crying little girl in the park, he sets out to write her a letter a day in order to tell her all about her lost doll’s fictitious travels. He then comes back every single day to read her those letters, and in his quest to help her find a sense of personal resolution, he ends up finding his own in ways he couldn’t have previously imagined.

The Monkey, Xosé Zapata Pérez & Lorenzo Degl’Innocenti. Spain/Portugal, 2021.17:00min



1588, un náufrago de la Armada Invencible enviada por Felipe II desde Lisboa para conquistar Inglaterra es capturado en una playa de Irlanda. Allí­ es juzgado, declarado culpable y ahorcado hasta su muerte. Todo sería muy razonable siguiendo las leyes de la guerra y el odio entre los seres humanos, el problema es que el prisionero es un mono. 1588, A shipwrecked member of the Spanish Armada sent by Felipe II from Lisbon to conquer England is captured on a beach in Ireland. There he is tried, found guilty and hanged until his death. Everything would be very reasonable following the laws of war and hatred between human beings, the problem is that the prisoner is a monkey.

Group 4: Shorts from Spain III

Acto reflejo. Alfonso Díaz. Spain, 2020 14:55


Conchi se convierte sin querer en el centro de atención por su extraña conducta. Sus actos son un reflejo de lo que sucedía. Conchi inadvertently becomes the center of attention for her strange behavior. His actions are a reflection of what was happening.

Abrazar las estrellas. Christopher Sánchez, Mario Cervantes. Spain, 2020. 8:05 min.


Javier es sordociego pero está dispuesto a vivir la aventura y subir a lo más alto para cumplir su sueño: abrazar las estrellas. Una historia sobre la superación de una discapacidad, deporte, montañismo, integración y solidaridad, que conmoverá al espectador. Javier is deaf and blind but is willing to live the adventure and climb to the highest height to fulfill his dream: embracing the stars. A moving story about overcoming a disability, sports, mountaineering, integration and solidarity.

Abierto a la familia. César Roldán López. Spain. 2022. 17:00 min.


Sandra quiere mucho a su marido Lorenzo pero ha llegado a un nuevo acuerdo con él que no deben conocer a sus hijas Sara y Natalia. Lorenzo lo lleva como puede, en cambio Sandra disfruta de su libertad con Víctor. Un despiste de ella revela a sus hijas el nuevo acuerdo de pareja de sus padres. Sandra loves her husband Lorenzo very much but has reached a new agreement with him that her daughters Sara and Natalia should not know. Lorenzo takes it as best he can, while Sandra enjoys her freedom with Víctor. A mistake on her part reveals to her daughters their parents new relationship agreement.

Vivir en paz./ Life in Peace. Gonzalo Visedo. Spain, 2020.  17:53 min.


Ander has breakfast in the cafeteria where Sara works. Both try to overcome their respective pasts. Ander desayuna en la cafetería donde trabaja Sara. Ambos tratan de superar sus pasados respectivos.


Wednesday, November 9

12:30   HQ 320 Filmmaker lunch and Panel discussion at 1:00pm on Venezuela

Moderators: Jorge Méndez Seijas (Yale) and Oscar González Barreto (St. Thomas Aquinas College) with filmmakers Anabel Rodríguez and Andrew Kirschenbaum (Co-sponsored by Sigma Delta Pi, capítulo Alpha Beta Beta.)

6:00 pm Aud. at 53 Wall St.

   Two documentaries about the critical situation on the island of Puerto Rico

La planificación en Puerto Rico/ Planning in Puerto Rico. Sonia Fritz :65min


Este documental de Sonia Fritz reflexiona sobre el modelo de desarrollo de Puerto Rico y las alternativas a la actual planificación suburbana y depredadora de territorio.

Serán las dueñas de la tierra/Stewards of the Land. JuanMa Pagán Teitelbaum 91 min.


A new documentary highlights the many difficulties facing an emerging generation of young farmers in Puerto Rico.

Followed by a panel discussion on the state of Puerto Rico moderated by Martina Broner (Dartmouth College)

Virtual screenings on Eventive for Wednesday

Group 5; From Cuba

Feature film: La espera. Daniel Ross Diegues. Cuba. 2022. 82 min.

Viudo y refugiado en su soledad, Regino maneja diariamente sus deseos de irse de este mundo y la nostalgia por su esposa ausente. Sus amigos, víctimas también de diversos contratiempos de la vida y la sociedad, se van alejando uno a uno hasta que se queda a solas con sus fantasmas, engañosas materializaciones de una mente perturbada.


El regreso de Nicanor. Eduardo del Llano. Cuba. 2022. 27:46min


Cuatro amigas, sentadas a la orilla del mar tras una noche de fiesta, se cuentan sus secretos más íntimos.

Group 6: Voces

2HOOM,  Ariel Orama López. Puerto Rico.  2022. 10:29min


2ḦOOM [zu:m], a Puerto Rican Life Action Short Film that incorporates international creative talent, conceived in full confinement and in the presence of COVID-19 in the World. A project that summoned the related topics that emerged after the pandemic and which, in turn, served as a single voice for the human race in the midst of global metamorphosis. Filmed indoors and outdoors, under strict protection measures and with the integration of creative elements, the project managed to come to life with an air of universality, thus leaving for festivals around the world. Topics related to the blood ties that transcend, the vulnerability of human beings, patients at risk and immortality are present in the short film, whose visual richness through animation joins the sublimity of its music and the plausibility of the performances.

Háblame. Violeta Mora. Honduras. 2020. 6.25min.


La noche es oscura y fría, camino por las plantaciones, miro las hojas y tallos de los bananales mientras recuerdos de mi abuelo vienen a mi mente. The night is dark and cold, I walk through the plantations, I look at the leaves and stems of the banana trees while memories of my grandfather come to mind.

Estrellas del desierto. Katherine Harder. Chile. 18min


En medio del desierto de Atacama, Antay (12) ve su pueblo desaparecer frente a la sequía y el abandono. Junto a sus amigos intentarán aferrarse a los últimos rayos de sol, los fragmentos de su infancia y los lazos de quienes aún resisten. In the middle of the Atacama desert, Antay (12) sees his town disappear due to drought and neglect. Together with their friends they will try to cling to the last rays of the sun, the fragments of their childhood, and the ties of those who still resist.

Dilemma. Luis Suárez Bracho. Spain/Venezuela, 2021. 6 min.


In a rural setting, a young nun, disenchanted with her faith, wishes to hang up her habits and looks into suicide as the immediate solution to her reality. En un entorno rural, una joven monja, desencantada de su fe, desea dejar sus hábitos y considera el suicidio como solución inmediata para su realidad.

Hoy no es mi cumpleaños. Stuart Rivas. Venezuela. 7:00min.


Un inmigrante italiano relata cómo él y sus paisanos trabajaron duro por hacer vida en Venezuela y las huellas que dejaron en su camino en la ciudad de Valencia. An Italian immigrant recounts how he and his countrymen worked hard to make a life in Venezuela and the traces they left on their way in the city of Valencia.

Gambote. Sofía Bensadon. Bolivia. 2021. 24min


El cortometraje acompaña a una pareja, Rosa e Irineo, en su rutina diaria de elaboración de un tipo particular de ladrillo: el gabote. Desde una escucha atenta, la cámara sigue el ejercicio repetitivo de sus gestos y capta sus reflexiones cotidianas. Para así descubrir la vida vincular que se revela a partir de la contemplación de la práctica de su oficio. This short film follows a couple, Rosa and Irineo, in their daily routine of making a particular type of brick: the gabote. Listening attentively, the camera follows the repetitive exercise of their gestures and captures their daily reflections. In order to discover the linked life that is revealed from the contemplation of the practice of their trade.

Yvoty Renda (Flowers of the Field). Savio Argüello. Paraguay, 2022. 22min.


An independent woman with financial problems is forced to take care of her mother with Alzheimer’s and underlying disease, after the death of his father. Una mujer independiente con problemas económicos se ve obligada a cuidar a su madre enferma de Alzheimer y enfermedad de base, tras la muerte de su padre.



Thursday, November 10

10am     Aud. 53 Wall St.  Las estrellas del estuario/ Stars of the Estuary. Sonia Fritz. Puerto     Rico.60 min.

Q&A with filmmaker Sonia Fritz – For New Haven Public School students and their teachers.

10:30  New Haven Free Public Library, 133 Elm St., Las estrellas del estuario/ Stars of the Estuary. Sonia Fritz. Puerto     Rico.60 min.

Q&A with filmmaker Sonia Fritz – For Lyme-Old Lyme Public School students and their teachers


This film starts with an animated sequence that happens in the 17th century and shows how a boy was captures by a slave boat and taken to a Caribbean island, where he hides a map in a jar, before being taken to work in the sugar cane fields. Now in live action and present day, a family of four is getting ready to leave the house in order to have a picnic near a lagoon. The two friends arrive and they all drive to the Condado Lagoon in San Juan. The children start playing and one of them finds a jar with a map inside. So without their parent’s permission, the four children decide to embark on an adventure through the Estuary of San Juan, thinking they will find a treasure if they follow the map. They cross a lagoon on a raft, then they find a sailboat and ask the captain to take them to the other side of the San Juan Bay. From there they walk to a marshland and cross it even though their legs are half way in the mud. Right in the middle of the marshland, they befriend a good witch, who tells them about the story behind the map and the period of time in which children were also forced into slave work. She offers to take them on her jeep to their next stop, in the lagoon on the opposite side of the city and ask her fisherman friend to take them further into their adventure on his motorboat. Finally they take four kayaks to cross another lagoon and so they get to a beautiful mangrove area. They think they have found the treasure where they dig in the mud, but only find a blue glass bottle in the midst of the mangrove trees. These scenes are intercut with both parents trying to find them, first by notifying the police and jumping into their car and later by taking a helicopter to oversee the different bodies of water in the Estuary. Finally they see them and land in the mangrove area with the help from a ranger. All ends well and they reunite in a surreal atmosphere, around a gorgeous glass tree. The kids have discovered that the treasure they were looking for, really lies within themselves, their joint talents and nature that they will protect forever.

12:30pm       WLH room 115,  “Meet the filmmakers”. Lunch.

3:00pm  80 Wall St. 2nd Floor Art Gallery, Slifka Center. Reception hosted by the Slifka Center, and made possible through generous support from the Sobotka Yom Hashoah Fund

4:00pm  Aud. 53 Wall St.    “They wanted to be loved” . Bernhard Hetzenauer. Mexico. 2022.     14min.


La infinitud de imágenes que el amor puede provocar se pasea por el tiempo y por la memoria. El amor visita las profundidades del recuerdo para desmoronar un presente sensible e imaginar futuras probabilidades; este es el ejercicio que se despliega en Querían ser amados. En este documental existe un acercamiento hacia aquella particular experiencia del amor que lo deforma todo, por lo que el tiempo y el espacio serán aspectos suspendidos en un sueño y la imagen, junto al espectador, se transformarán en los soñadores empedernidos, deseando no despertar tan pronto.

            And There Was Fire in the Center of the Earth. Bernhard Hetzenauer. Ecuador.    2013.     78min


Vera Kohn, a Jewish woman of German descent born in Prague in 1912, fled from Czechoslovakia to Latin America in 1939, where she built a new life for herself as a theater actress in Quito, Ecuador. The trauma of losing home stayed with her forever. A severe mental breakdown changed her life. The documentary essay tells the story of various encounters between the Austrian filmmaker and the remarkable ninety-eight years old psychologist and Zen teacher.

            Q&A with filmmaker Bernhard Hetzenauer

            (Co-sponsored by Slifka Center, and made possible through generous support from the    Sobotka Yom Hashoah Fund.)

6:00pm    Aud. 53 Wall St.   Sumergible/Submersible. Alfredo León León. Ecuador. 2020.           100min



Aboard a cramped, makeshift submarine on a drug run from the coast of Ecuador toward North America. When mechanical issues leave the submarine on the verge of sinking and losing its precious cargo, the three crew members —Kleber, Aquiles, and Félix —are forced to open the sealed cargo cabin to redistribute the weight and save the vessel, an action they have been warned is forbidden at all costs. It is soon clear that drugs are not the only thing the crew have been paid to traffic. Hidden among the 10 tons of cocaine they are transporting, the men are shocked to discover a young woman, bound, gagged and barely conscious. Nicknaming her La Reina, the three men are unsure how to handle their newly discovered charge, and just as disagreements about what to do become increasingly heated, La Reina begins calculating plans for her escape. With tensions mounting and conditions deteriorating inside the tiny capsule, the goal of delivering the goods is gradually superseded by a more visceral and immediate need to survive.

    Q&A with filmmaker Alfredo León

8:00pm  Aud. 53 Wall St.     Gafas amarillas/ Yellow Sunglasses. Iván Mora. Ecuador.2020  98min.


GAFAS AMARILLAS cuenta la historia de Julia (30), quien luego de una separación, se muda a un frío departamento rodeado de cajas sin desempacar. Allí enfrenta los pequeños conflictos cotidianos de la soledad: Pasar el día en pijamas, aceptar trabajos mediocres y comer en exceso, mientras intenta sin mucho ánimo aplicar a una beca y cumplir su sueño de convertirse en escritora. Julia encuentra un nuevo comienzo cuando tiene una aventura de una noche con Darío (28) un atractivo mesero con ínfulas de poeta, quien la lleva a conocer a Ignacio (38) un empleado de una fotocopiadora que trata de protagonizar una obra de teatro. Juntos vivirán una intensa conexión a través de la cual Julia lidiará con sus frustraciones de no saber si logrará ser quien soñaba cuando era joven. Gafas Amarillas es una mirada tragicómica sobre el universo de Julia y la búsqueda de su propia e íntima reinvención.

Virtual screenings on Eventive for Thursday:

Group 7: Voces de México y del Perú

El primer y último fotograma. Alberto Zúñiga Rodríguez. México, 2021.  3:00min.


Este corto habla sobre el valor y la importancia de la imagen y su preservación como un archivo histórico personal y colectivo. Es un homenaje a la vida de mi padre, quien documentó nuestra historia familiar y su vida hasta el final de sus días. This short film it’s about the value and importance of the image and its preservation as a personal and collective historical archive. It is a tribute to my father’s life, who documented our family history and his life to the end of his days.

Ahí están los leones. Sergio Valdés. México, 2022. 4:00min


En el descuidado centro histórico de la ciudad de Monterrey, México, existe un huerto urbano, resguardado por leones de piedra. Este pequeño inmueble alberga flora, fauna, cultivos y más de 400 años de historia, así como a un abogado y su hija, quienes juntos se dedican a defenderlo de la hiperurbanización. In the neglected historic downtown of Monterrey, Mexico, there is an urban garden, sheltered by stone lions. This small property houses flora, fauna, crops and more than 400 years of history, as well as a lawyer and his daughter, who are dedicated to defending it from hyper-urbanization.

Nina. José Carlos García. Peru. 2020. 9:30min.


Nina (24) está en una suerte de trance mientras baila sola música electrónica en una decadente discoteca del centro de Lima, hasta que es interrumpida por un hombre que quiere abrazarla y bailar con ella, pero ella lo rechaza. Momentos después, sin embargo, ella es quien va a buscarlo a un cuartito rojo que hay en el antro. Él es, ahora, quien la rechaza. Discuten porque ella ya quiere irse y forcejean, hasta que él la tira en un colchón que hay en el lugar. Dos mudos testigos miran la escena atónitos. La noche se convierte en la inesperada burla de una sociedad que le voltea los ojos a Nina cuando ella va a pedir ayuda. Nina (24) is in a kind of trance while dancing to electronic music alone in a decadent nightclub in downtown Lima, until she is interrupted by a man who wants to hug her and dance with her, but she rejects him. Moments later, however, she is the one who goes to look for him in a small red room in the club. This time, he is the one who rejects her. They argue because she already wants to leave and they struggle, until he throws her on a mattress that is in the place. Two mute witnesses look at the scene in astonishment. The night turns into the unexpected mockery of a society that rolls its eyes at Nina when she goes to ask for help.

Yungay 7020. Raquel CalvoLarralde, Elena Molina Merino. Peru/Spain. 2021. 19:00min


En 1970 un alud sepultó la ciudad colonial de Yungay (Perú). Los supervivientes la reconstruyeron apenas a un kilómetro del desastre. El Huascarán, la montaña que una vez fue sagrada, habla. Quienes recuerdan saben que deberían escuchar. In 1970 an avalanche erased the colonial town of Yungay (Perú). A bunch of survivors rebuild it just a kilometer away. Huascarán, the once sacred and now feared mountain, speaks for itself. Those who remember know they should pay attention.

Transformarte. Jimmy Valdivieso. Perú. 2021. 9:00min.


A documentary filmmaker believes he has made a feature film capable of fighting the stigmas that punish the traditional neighbors of Lima’s Historic Center. Suddenly, the filmmaker is confronted by his inner demons, who judge his fears, his attributions, his predictability and his romantic multicolored vision.

Un documentalista cree haber realizado un largometraje capaz de combatir los estigmas que castigan a los vecinos tradicionales del Centro Histórico de Lima. De repente, el cineasta se enfrenta a sus demonios interiores, que juzgan sus miedos, sus atribuciones, su previsibilidad y su visión romántica multicolor.

Feature film from México: Negra

NEGRA (dir. Medhin Tewolde Serrano):

The film has won 10 awards in Mexico, USA, Canada, Argentina, France, Italy, Spain and has participated in more than 50 film festivals around the world


Negra shows director Medhin Tewolde Serrano in her search of exploring what it means to inhabit Mexico as a black woman. It tells the story of five afro-descendant women from southern Mexico, exposing racism, resistance and processes of self-acceptance, strategies for transcending stereotypes, and the celebration of their identity.

Negra muestra a Medhin Tewolde Serrano en su búsqueda por explorar lo que significa habitar México como mujer negra. Cuenta la historia de cinco mujeres afrodescendientes del sur de México, exponiendo el racismo, la resistencia y procesos de autoaceptación, estrategias para trascender estereotipos y la celebración de su identidad

Friday, November 11

12:00 Aud. 53 Wall St.  Las vencidas y no derrotadas.  Mau Cardoso. Spain, 2021. 53min.


Las Vencidas y No Derrotadas es el retrato de lo que las mujeres españolas perdieron con la Dictadura franquista llegando a consentirse el mayor robo de bebés de la Historia reciente europea. En el contexto de la Memoria Histórica, donde la mayoría de los debates en torno a ella son referentes para los hombres, la película explora, a través de una mirada con perspectiva de género, las represiones, miedos, emociones y presiones políticas de las mujeres entrevistadas que vivieron en primera persona todo ello o lo han vivido a través de su propia familia y entorno.

1:00  Aud. 53 Wall St. ”Mataron al poeta”. Gato Martínez Cantó. Argentina, 2022. 7:10min.


Federico García Lorca entra a una casa abandonada. ¿Está dormido o despierto? ¿Dónde se encuentra? ¿Es esa casa España, Granada o la Segunda República?Con andar cansino, busca. Y la encuentra a ELLA ¿Quién es? ¿Un personaje de sus obras? ¿Su poesía? ¿O será acaso su muerte precipitada?

Un viaje hacia nosotros./A Journey Towards Ourselves. Lucho Cintora. Spain. 66min.


Narra un viaje que comienza en la memoria familiar del actor Pepe Viyuela, cuando emprende una investigación tras el rastro de su abuelo Gervasio, integrante del ejército republicano durante la guerra civil española. Un viaje que le conduce a su pasado y que acabar por situarle de un modo renovado ante el presente. Actor Pepe Viyuela researches his grandfather Gervasio, a Republican soldier during the Spanish Civil War. A journey to the past that shows us the reality of Spanish refugees in 1939, not much different from that lived by millions today.

3:00     Aud. 53 Wall St.         Welcome Back, Farewell/Bem Vindos de Novo.. Marcos Yoshi.       Brazil, 2021. 105min

            Presented by Giseli Tordin.


Parents and children reunite after 13 years apart. This is the starting point of Marcos Yoshi’s feature debut, a documentary that follows the emotional process of rebuilding a family split apart by the Dekasegi phenomenon, a term used in Brazil to refer to people, primarily Japanese Brazilians, who have migrated to Japan, having taken advantage of Japanese citizenship and immigration laws to work short-term in that country. Yoshi portrays his family’s immigration trajectory while highlighting the conflict between the desire to guarantee the family’s future and the impossibility of remaining together.

Pais e filhos se reencontram depois de 13 anos separados. Esse é o ponto de partida do longa-metragem de Marcos Yoshi, documentário que acompanha o processo emocional de reconstrução de uma família desfeita pelo fenômeno Dekasegi, termo usado no Brasil para se referir a pessoas, principalmente nipo-brasileiros, que migraram para o Japão, tirando vantagem da cidadania japonesa ou do visto nisei e de leis de imigração para trabalhar a curto prazo no país. Yoshi retrata a trajetória imigratória de sua família ao mesmo tempo em que ressalta o conflito entre o desejo de garantir o futuro da família e a impossibilidade de permanecerem juntos.

5:00     Aud. 53 Wall St.  Balada para niños muertos/ Balad for Dead Chidren. Jorge       Navas. Colombia.2020. 80min

En pleno Boom de la literatura latinoamericana y del realismo mágico, Andrés Caicedo, desde la provincia colombiana escribía guiones cinematográficos adaptando historias de H.P Lovecraft, el maestro del horror. Sus obsesiones con la literatura gótica, el destino y la violencia convergieron en su vida y en su obra para dar forma a un particular universo estético y a las bases de un concepto que más tarde se denominaría como “Gótico Tropical”

During the time of the Boom of Latin American Literature and Magic Realism, Andrés Caicedo, in his province in Colombia, wrote film scripts that adapted stories by H.P. Lovecraft, the master of horror. His obsessions with gothic literature, destiny and violence came together in his life and in his work to give form to a very particular esthetic universe and the basis of a concept later known as “Tropical Gothic”.

            Q&A with Rosario Caicedo

7:00     Aud. 53 Wall St.  Veritas. Eliecer Jiménez Almeida. USA/Cuba. 2021.67min.

            Q&A with filmmaker Eliecer Jiménez


La Invasión de Bahía de Cochinos (Cuba, 1961) es revelada en la voz de sus protagonistas. Los horrores de la guerra y la sensación de abandono (al no tener la ayuda prometida) son revividos exhaustivamente por estos hombres que, desde el exilio, no han dejado de extrañar a su país. The invasion of the Bay of Pigs (Cuba, 1961) is revealed to us in the voice of the heroes. The horrors of war, the feeling of abandonment (not having the promised help), are thoroughly relived by these men who have not stopped missing their country.

9:00 Aud. 53 Wall St. Corazón azul. Miguel Coyula. Cuba. 2021. 103min. (Sexually explicit scenes.)

            Q&A with filmmaker Miguel Coyula


In an alternate reality, Fidel Castro turns to genetic engineering to create his elusive New Man and save his socialist utopia. Eventually the experiment fails because these highly intelligent beings are cruel and uncontrollable. Rejected by their own creators, they orchestrate a series of terrorists attacks throughout the island spreading fear and chaos in Cuba. When Elena, a group member, discovers a clue to her genetic identity, she embarks on a journey to find her own humanity.

Virtual screenings on Eventive for Friday:

Group 8: Desde Argentina

Mataron al poeta. Gato Martínez Cantó. Argentina.2021.  7:10min.

Synopsis: given above

Luz entre penumbras. Fernando Lazzarini. Argentina, 2022.  5:35min.


Cuando viejos recuerdos vienen a buscarla, Camila (25) intenta escapar de estos. Lentamente, los traumas de su abusiva infancia comienzan a encarnarse de entre las sombras, acorralándola. Finalmente, logra enfrentarlos y abraza su pasado.

Pintango. Rodolfo Pastor. Argentina (animación) 11:00min


Pacho y Mimí están pasando una mala racha e improvisan un espectáculo de tango para interesar a un galerista norteamericano en sus cuadros figurativos y tangueros. Pero es su paleta la que obtiene un éxito inesperado.

Ébano, cedro y caoba. Nora Seilicovich. Argentina (animación) 10:00min


Un viaje de tres amigas a través de Cuba hacia la hermosa ciudad de Baracoa,

Historia de amistad y solidaridad que estrecha el vínculo con los habitantes de la isla.

Realizado enteramente con los dibujos originales de la autora, con la música original de Victoria Sotalis y Tavo Centuríon, jóvenes y exitosos músicos y compositores argentinos.

Enriqueta. Valeria Dana. Argentina. 13:00


The renowned and challenging Argentine swimmer Enriqueta Duarte (91) is still as vital as in her best years. While swimming, she remembers her past achievements, her moments of glory and Enrique, her love with whom she could never be due to moral mandates.

Saturday, November 12

All screenings at Aud. 53 Wall St. 

12:30  Gambote. Sofía Bensadon. Bolivia, 2021. 24 min.

Synopsis: given above

1:00     Wërapara-Chicas trans.  Claudia Fischer. Colombia, 2022. 80min.


Amidst the Colombian Andes, a group of trans women from the Embera Chami community make their way into the international fashion scene, empowered through artistic collaboration and creation while preserving their spiritual heritage and ancestral connection to their territory.

Realizado enteramente con los dibujos originales de la autora, con la música original de Victoria Sotalis y Tavo Centuríon, jóvenes y exitosos músicos y compositores argentinos.

            Q&A with filmmaker Claudia Fischer

3:00     Vaychiletik. Juan Javier Pérez. Mexico, 2021. 83 min.


Through his dreams, José received a gift given by the gods. A gift that brings consequences. Now that he is at a mature age in life, José would like to rest, but he is not allowed. Vaychiletik explores this fierce yet beautiful reality, forged from the dreams of the Mayan people of Mexico.

A través de los sueños José recibió un don otorgado por los dioses. Un don que trae consecuencias. Ahora que está en la edad madura de su vida, José quisiera descansar pero no lo dejan. Vaychiletik explora esta realidad feroz y bella, forjada desde los sueños de los pueblos mayas de México.

            Q&A with filmmakers Juan Javier Pérez and Ángel López

5:00     Oaxacalifornia. The Return. Trisha Ziff. Mexico, 2021. 84min.


Oaxacalifornia: The Return, directed by English-born Mexican director Trisha Ziff, her fifth feature film. An intimate portrait of three generations of a Mexican-American family in Fresno, Oaxacalifornia: The Return revisits the Mejía family 25 years after they were first portrayed negotiating their place in a new environment, digging deep into the complexities of multigenerational immigrant identities and the nuances of both belonging and otherness to become a moving epic about the fabric of the US. In 1994, Ziff produced Oaxacalifornia, her first documentary about the Mejía family as they navigated their new reality as recently arrived immigrants to the United States. Picking up where the original film left off, we meet the third generation of Mejías, now second-generation American teenagers, as they navigate what it means to be both Mexican and American today in America.

Q&A with filmmaker Trisha Ziff (Sponsored by the Consulate General of Mexico in Boston)

7:00     499. Rodrigo Reyes. Mexico. 2021. 88min.



Mixing fictional and nonfictional elements, 499 is a creative documentary that explores the brutal legacy of colonialism in contemporary Mexico, nearly five-hundred years after Cortez conquered the Aztec Empire. Through the eyes of a ghostly conquistador, Reyes recreates Hernán Cortez’s epic journey from the coasts of Veracruz to the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan, the site of contemporary Mexico City. As the anachronistic fictional character interacts with real victims of Mexico’s failed drug wars, the filmmaker portrays the country’s current humanitarian crisis as part of a brutal and unfinished colonial project, still in motion, 499 years later.

            Q&A with filmmaker Rodrigo Reyes

9:00     “Nina” José Carlos García. Peru. 9:30min

Synopsis: given above

            Canción sin nombre/Song Without a  Name. Melina León. Perú. 97 min.


Peru, at the height of the political crisis of the 1980’s. Georgina is a young woman from the Andes whose newborn daughter is stolen at a fake health clinic. Her desperate search     for the child leads her to the headquarters of a major newspaper, where she meets Pedro Campos, a lonely journalist who takes on the investigation. Based on a true story.

            Q&A with filmmaker Melina León

Virtual screenings on Eventive for Saturday:

Feature documentary: Geoblock for USA only

“And There Was Fire in the Center of the Earth – Und in der Mitte der Erde war Feuer” 

Documentary, EC/AT/DE 2013, 78 min., DCP, 5.1, b/w & color 

Written and directed by Bernhard Hetzenauer 

Synopsis: given above



Sunday,November 13

All screenings at Aud. 53 Wall St. 

12:00   Norma Aleandro. El vuelo de la Mariposa. Carlos Duarte Quin. Argentina, 2020. 74min


“Norma Aleandro, El Vuelo de la Mariposa” es un viaje visual a través del cual se entretejen los mimbres narrativos que nos develan el rostro más íntimo de la célebre como prestigiosa actriz argentina. La singularidad y templanza de la mujer, la evocación de la actriz, su sensibilidad como madre y abuela. Es la misma voz de la artista que narra en off y nos sumerge en la intensidad emocional de su propia biografía. Basado en relatos breves y poemas escritos por ella, el documental es una recopilación de fragmentos de su vida que dan forma a los pensamientos más profundos y de la conciencia sublime de la mujer, configurando así, el rostro y alma de la artista; esa que despliega sabiduría, que germina el arte en distintas dimensiones con la reflexión de la naturaleza simple de las cosas. Norma emociona y conmueve haciéndonos sentir el pálpito profundo de la labor que desarrolla. Enseña el camino recorrido y al hacerlo, aprendemos también de su propia vulnerabilidad. La mujer en todo sentido.

2:00     “Háblame” Violeta Mora.Honduras. 6:25min

Synopsis: given above

Mamá Irene, Healer of the Andes. Bettina Ehrhardt, Elisabeth Möhlmann. Peru, 2021. 71min.


Mama Irene, Healer of the Andes is the story of a remarkable 84 year-old Shaman (Healer) from Perú who draws upon indigenous knowledge and traditions in danger of being lost forever. The film is not only a vital document of endagered wisdom; it is also a story about Women empowerment and a testament to living             harmoniously with Mother Earth.

            Q&A with filmmaker Elisabeth Möhlmann

4:00     El silencio del Topo. Anaïs Taracena. Guatemala, 2021. 91min.


La búsqueda de un periodista que se infiltró en uno de los gobiernos más represivos de Guatemala nos sumerge en la memoria de un país forzado a silenciar. The search for a journalist who infiltrated one of the most repressive governments in Guatemala immerses us in the memory of a country forced to silence.

Q&A with filmmaker Anaïs Taracena

6:00     Carajita. Silvina Schnicer, Ulises Porra. Dominican Republic, 2021. 86 min.


Sara and her nanny Yarisa have a relationship that seems to transcend their class conditions: they are the closest thing to a daughter-mother, but an accident will test their intimate loyalty and the innocent illusion that nothing can separate them.

Q&A with actors Dimitri Rivera and Javier Hermida

8:00     Perfume de gardenias. Gisela Rosario Ramos. Puerto Rico, 2020. 97min


A newly widowed woman creates a beautiful custom coffin for her husband, which catches the eye of another woman. Together, they start organizing funerals for their elderly neighbors, offering them a chance to dictate how their lives are honored.

            Q&A with actor Blanca Rosa Rovira

 10:00 Announcement by Jury of Awarded Films

Reception catered by Soul de Cuba. Performance by the Whiffenpoofs and Yale Salsa Band. Room 108, 53 Wall St.

Virtual screenings on Eventive for Sunday:

Group 9: Animation

The Angel’s Cave. Ivan Kotevski. USA.2022.  8:26min.


In the near future on a ruined Earth, a lonely radio telescope operator haunted by the mystery of his missing sister searches for connection in the deepest reaches of the universe. After a strange transmission finds its way to him, he embarks on an odyssey to the realms beyond time and space.

The Monkey, Xosé Zapata Pérez & Lorenzo Degl’Innocenti. Spain/Portugal, 2021.17:00min



given above

Kafka’s Doll. Bruno Simöes, Portugal. 2022 (animation) 10:00min.


given above

Ébano, cedro y caoba. Nora Seilicovich. Argentina (animación) 10:00min


given above

Pintango. Rodolfo Pastor. Argentina (animación) 11:00min


given above

Feature film: Geoblock to be seen only in New England

Gafas amarillas. Iván Mora. Ecuador. 2020.  98 min.

Synopsis: given above

Monday, November 14

12:00 Luce Hall #202

Panel Discussion (& lunch)  on Historical Violence in Guatemala with María Aguilar (Yale) and filmmaker Anaïs Taracena. (Sponsored by the Poynter Fellowship for Journalism)


Heartfelt thanks to our sponsors: 

The Latino and Iberian Film Festival at Yale is made possible with the support of the Edward J. and Dorothy Clarke Kempf Memorial Fund.

Yale MacMillan Center, Council for Latin American and Iberian Studies

Yale Department of Spanish and Portuguese

Yale Office of New Haven and State Affairs

Yale ITS - Classroom and Media Services

Joseph Slifka Center for Jewish Life at Yale

Soul de Cuba Cafe

The Consulate General of Mexico in Boston

Yale Film & Media Studies

Jonathan Edwards College

Davenport College

Branford College

Pierson College

Academia de Artes y Ciencias Cinematográficas de la República Dominicana

Connecticut Council for the Humanities

Arte, Inc.

New Haven Public Schools

New Haven Free Public Library

Lyme-Old Lyme Public Schools

Click For Festivals

Habanero Films

Film Movement

Cargo Film-Releasing 

Media Luna Films

Sopó Films

Yorkside Pizza Restaurant

EST EST EST Pizza and Restaurant


The Yale Whiffenpoofs

Yale Salsa Band

LIFFY 2022 dedicated to the memory of Francesca “Cici” Lee-Ramos

November 7, 2015 - May 9, 2022

The LIFFY Team:  Claudia Valeggia, Asia Neupane, Francisco Ángeles, Josh Mentanko,  Daniel Vieira, Anthony Sudol, Joy Sherman, Leonardo Mateus, Charlie Mayock-Bradley, Paola Santos, Margherita Tórtora.

LIFFY 2022 Trailer by Miguel Rueda, Aguijón Films

Poster and laurels by Leonardo Mateus

Interpreter: Leon Kuo

Videographer: Eli Berliner

Selection Committee: Fabiola Rinaudo, Rosario Caicedo, Giseli Tordin, Margherita Tórtora

LIFFY 2022 Jury: Dahlia Fischbein, Tatiana Rojas Ponce, Miguel Rueda

Many thanks to our numerous LIFFY volunteers!

Special appreciation for our wonderful filmmakers whose great work makes this festival possible.