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Yale University Library - Latin American Collection Library Visiting Fellowship Program

CLAIS regrets that our Library Fellowship will not be offered in 2013.

The Council on Latin American & Iberian Studies (CLAIS) and Yale University Library are pleased to invite applications for one short-term library visiting fellowship to promote scholarly use of Yale’s collections of Latin Americana. The fellowship includes a stipend plus modest funds towards the cost of travel and supplies which are meant to help defray expenses in traveling to and residing in New Haven, Connecticut during the tenure of the fellowship, which will be for three months. This fellowship is tenable from May to October 2011.

The program is designed to provide junior scholars based in the United States and specializing in Latin America with the opportunity to work with one of the oldest and largest Latin American collections in the country. The Yale Library contains a wealth of research material, including monographs, serials, pamphlets, newspapers, government documents, manuscripts, maps, photographs and documentary film. A flexible program will be developed to balance the individual goals and interests of the visiting fellow with the needs of the Yale Library. Approximately 20% of the time spent at Yale may be devoted to a project for the library. 

Candidates for this fellowship must have a Ph.D. and be U.S. citizens. Applicants (junior faculty, independent researchers) are asked to submit a research proposal not exceeding three pages in length and a resume to the Council on Latin American and Iberian Studies at the address given below. Applicants must also arrange for two confidential letters of recommendation (in English) to be sent to the same address.

The proposal should address specifically the relevance of the Yale University Library collections to the proposed research. Prospective fellows are invited to consult the Library’s home page at and its online catalog for information about Yale’s collections. Applicants should have specific Yale resources in mind - not simply a desire to make use of a major research library - as they prepare their proposals.

A committee consisting of members of the faculty, the library staff, and the Council on Latin American and Iberian Studies will award the fellowship on the basis of the relevance of the proposal to unique holdings of the library, the merits and significance of the project, and the applicant’s scholarly qualifications.

Application materials and letters of recommendation are to be sent to the attention of Jean Silk, Program Manager, Council on Latin American and Iberian Studies, Yale University, 34 Hillhouse Avenue, Suite 232, P.O. Box 208206, New Haven, CT 06520-8206. Electronic communications may be sent to