Werner Stangl

Werner Stangl has no background in Japanese history nor Japanese language. Having worked for over a decade as a historian of colonial Spanish America, he developed his interest in various aspects of digital humanities, such as digital scholarly editions and particularly GIS. Beyond his own scholarly research, he has worked for years as a copyeditor of a scholarly journal (Jahrbuch für Geschichte Lateinamerikas) and as a copyeditor and cartographer for several monographs.
From 2015 to April 2019, he built the HGIS de las Indias [https://www.hgis-indias.net], an interactive website that reconstructs the changing administrative divisions and settlement patterns of the Spanish Empire in the Americas from 1701 to 1808.
Magister in Secondary Pedagogics for History/Political Education and Geography/Economy at the University of Graz in 2011
PhD in History at the University of Graz in 2008
Magister in History at the University of Graz in 2004
Werner Stangl, Zwischen Authentizität und Fiktion. Die private Korrespondenz spanischer Emigranten aus Amerika, 1492-1824 (Graz/Wien/Köln: Böhlau 2012). Digital supplement with an edition of 1200 emigrant letters accessible via www.boehlau-verlag.com or http://www.academia.edu/1931189/
Renate Pieper, Veronika Hyden-Hanscho and Werner Stangl (eds.), Consumption Patterns in the Age of Enlightenment: Europe and the Atlantic World (Bremen: Winkler, 2013).
Website of HGIS de las Indias: https://www.hgis-indias.net
Website of digital letter edition: http://cartas-de-ultramar.net