Submit Abstract for JLTANE Conference
We invite participants to submit abstracts on topics related to Japanese language and culture education (e.g., linguistics, second language acquisition, pedagogical innovations, K-12 Japanese language education, heritage language education, literature, history, anime, pop culture, among others). Please note that the conference will be run in-person.
Presenters will be given 25 minutes for their presentation followed by a 10-minute Q&A session.
Submit your abstracts at the link here.
Deadline to submit is Monday, March 31st, 11:59pm (EST)
Formatting Requirements:
- Word document (.doc or .docx) or PDF (.pdf) format only.
- No more than 300 words in English or 700 characters in Japanese.
- Your name should not appear on the abstract (title and content only).
- The title of the document should be “(First Name)(Last Name)_abstract” (e.g., Yamada Taro -> YamadaTaro_abstract.doc or YamadaTaro_abstract.pdf).
- Your abstract, paper in the proceedings, and presentation should all be in the same language.
- Submissions are limited to one abstract per person, as either single or joint author.
- ワードドキュメント (.doc or .docx) か PDF (.pdf) フォーマットのみ。
- 英語 300 語もしくは日本語 700 字以内。
- 要旨に氏名を書かないで下さい。
- 文書には「 ( 名 )( 姓 )_abstract 」と名前を付けてください。例 : 山田太郎 -> TaroYamada_abstract.doc か TaroYamada_abstract.pdf
- 要旨 (abstract) と紀要 (proceedings) と発表の言語は統一して下さい。
- 応募は単独、共同にかかわらず一人一件のみ。
Please direct any questions about the form to CEAS Program Coordinator Sophia Lee at