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Linklado: Pioneering Linguistic Sustainability in the Amazon | Juliano Portela

Henry R. Luce Hall
34 Hillhouse Avenue, New Haven CT, 06511
Room 202

This lecture will explore Linklado, a groundbreaking digital keyboard designed to support the unique linguistic needs of Amazonian indigenous languages. Nominated for the Prêmio Jabuti in both 2023 and 2024, Linklado serves as a tool for enabling the use of these languages in digital spaces while fostering cultural pride and accessibility. Beyond the keyboard itself, Linklado inspired a broader vision that led to the creation of the Institute for Linguistic Sustainability in the Amazon (ISLA). ISLA takes the mission further, employing artificial intelligence and collaborative efforts with indigenous communities to develop tools and methods for preserving and revitalizing endangered languages in the Amazon.

Part of the Brazilian Studies Lunchtime Series


Juliano Portela
Juliano Portela

Juliano Dantas Portela is a Yale undergraduate majoring in Computer Science and Linguistics with a passion for indigenous language preservation. Born and raised in Manaus, Amazonas, Juliano developed Linklado, a keyboard tailored for Amazonian indigenous languages, as part of his commitment to bridging cultural gaps through technology. This work led to the founding of the Institute for Linguistic Sustainability in the Amazon (ISLA), a nonprofit organization dedicated to creating machine translation models and advancing linguistic documentation. A two-time finalist for the Prêmio Jabuti, Juliano’s work has been recognized for its innovative approach to safeguarding cultural heritage through community-driven solutions and technological tools.

  • Societal Resilience
  • Leadership and Service