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Fifty Years of Interdisciplinary Research at Teotihuacán, an Exceptional Prehispanic Metropolis in Central Mexico | Linda Manzanilla

Anthropology Building
10 Sachem Street, New Haven CT, 06511

Professor of Archaeology at the Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)

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Linda Manzanilla
Linda Manzanilla

Professor of the Institute of Anthropological Research of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). She has participated actively in the formation of generations of archaeologists. Author and editor of 32 books, 210 articles and chapters, and 71 technical reports on subjects related to the emergence and change of early urban societies in Mesoamerica, Mesopotamia, Egypt, and the Andean Region. One subject that has been of her interest is the domestic life of the inhabitants of the first urban developments of archaic states, such as Teotihuacan, its government at the state and neighborhood level, as well as the detailed analysis of its multiethnic population and the movement of foreign raw materials and goods. She has excavated in Mexico (particularly at Teotihuacan and Cobá), Bolivia (Tiwanaku), Egypt (Ma?adi), Eastern Anatolia (Arslantepé) and Migdal (Israel). Mexican Academy of Sciences Award,1991; Alfonso Caso Award (INAH) in 1994 and 2013; Presidential Award of the Society for American Archaeology, 1999; international member of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA (2003); National University of Mexico Award (Premio UNAM,2003); Shanghai Archaeology Forum Award for her interdisciplinary research on the multiethnic population of the neighborhood center of Teopancazco in Teotihuacan (2015).

  • Humanity
  • Societal Resilience