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Library Collections

Latin American Collection

The collection is now comprised of about 540,000 volumes and is growing at a rate of 4,000 volumes a year. These materials are mostly in Spanish, Portuguese, English, and French. Approximately 7,000 titles are in indigenous languages such as Nahuatl, Quechua, Aymara, Quiche, Pipil, and Tzutuhil.  Titles in these languages are generally purchased upon patron request.The Collection has subscriptions to over 3,500 Latin American periodicals and monographic series.  The Manuscripts and Archives Department houses primary source materials, principally from Mexico and Peru, but also from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, Spain, Venezuela, and Central America.  The Latin American Collection also contains 15,000 reels of newspapers, and such non-book materials as photographs, documentary film, sound recordings, and maps.  A combination of library and Council Title VI funds enables the curator to travel to Latin America for acquisitions purposes. 

Sizeable Latin American materials are also found in the Center for Science and Social Science Library, Divinity, Law, and Beinecke Libraries.  The Economic Growth Center (in CSSSI) holdings contain extensive statistical publications issued by government agencies, private institutions, and central banks from every country in Latin America. Social scientists have found this material to be invaluable in their research on the economic development of Latin America. The Forestry and Environmental Studies Library is one of the oldest and largest collections of forestry, natural resource, and related publications in the world. 

For further information please visit the website: 

Iberian Collection

The Yale Library’s collections relating to Iberia comprise several hundred thousand volumes as well as newspapers, microfilms, electronic publications, films, maps and musical scores. The collections are particularly strong in literature and history. Works collected include all languages and literature of the peninsula, including Catalan, Gallegan, Basque, and even Bable. They cover the history of all regions and periods with strengths in medieval and Catalonian history and the period of European/Iberian expansion. Yale has one of the best collections in this country of current works on the literature and history of Portugal.

Visit the web site for a complete description of the Iberian Collection at Yale University:

Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library

There are notable collections available in the Yale Collection of Western Americana, and the General Collection of Modern Manuscripts, both held in the Beinecke Library. For information concerning theses and other holdings, consult the Beinecke Services Department, the appropriate curator, or access the following web site:

Internet Research

There are numerous selected Internet resources devoted to the study of Latin America and the Iberian Peninsula, which can be accessed directly from the Yale library web site at the websites referenced above.

Yale Library Study Guides

·  Latin American Studies at Yale Library

·  History of U.S. - Latin American Relations

·  Portuguese/Brazilian Literature and Cultural Studies

·  Latin American and Spanish Film 

·  Latin American Microform Collections

·  Latin American Newspapers

·  Religion in Latin America

·  Slavery, Freedom and Abolition in Latin America

·  Spanish and Latin American Literature and Culture

·  The Cuban Revolution: Roots, Repercussions, Resistance

·  History of Spain & Portugal

·  La Convivencia: Christian, Islamic and Jewish Cultures in Medieval Iberia

·  Spanish Civil War (1936-1939)

·  Don Quixote de la Mancha