Alejandra (Alex) Zani
LAIGN member

B.A. in Communications, UBA; Master’s in Journalism, Universidad CEU-SAN Pablo, Madrid, in collaboration with newspaper El Mundo. She is currently a PhD candidate in Gender Studies (CONICET/UBA), a member in the research team UBACyT 2020/2021: “Discourses and practices in/from Public Policies in Argentina in recent times. Studies of intervention/research with a gender(s) and feminism(s) perspective.” She is a professor at the Universidad Nacional de Moreno (UNM) and in the postgraduate course on Scriptures: Human Creativity and Communication taught by the Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO). She has published two poem collections: Justo antes de olvidar mi nombre (2018) and El cero es un número natural (2020). She has cofounded the digital medium La Primera Piedra (2014- 2016) and she has collaborated as a journalist in numerous national and international media. During 2019, she cohosted alongside Rocío Prim and Maru Lijalad, the radio program Patriarcadas, on Trilce Radio. She has received the awards: Premio a la Convocatoria Epistolar awarded by the Centro Cultural Recoleta and the Goethe Institut (2020); for her essay “En busca de la verdad”, the first prize Estímulo CBC, UBA; for her short story “De fin a principio”, a prize in the Academia Nacional de Ciencias de Córdoba.