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Alexis Ramirez-Hardy

Alexis Ramirez-Hardy

Alexis Ramirez-Hardy (she/her) is a Peruvian-American junior fulfilling the pre-medical requirements while pursuing a major in Humanities and a certificate in Spanish. She is deeply interested in perceptions and representations of health and the body in Latin American literature, art, and intellectual culture, about which she will soon begin her thesis. Alexis one day hopes to use her interdisciplinary studies to pursue a career as a physician addressing healthcare inequities faced by underserved populations, particularly Latin American communities, in the US. Beyond her studies, she conducts research developing low-cost, accessible substance abuse treatment for BIPoC individuals here in New Haven and volunteers as a phlebotomist and interpreter for uninsured patients, often Latin American immigrants, at the HAVEN Free Clinic.

Areas of research and geographical interest:

Medical Anthropology, Art History, History of the Body, Women's Health, Peru