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Aurélie Vialette

Associate Professor Tenure of Spanish and Portuguese
Aurelie Vialette

Aurélie Vialette, Associate Professor of Spanish and Portuguese, is a scholar of archive theories and practices. She previously held appointments at Stony Brook University, the Ohio State University, Cornell University, and The University of Texas at Austin. She earned her PhD from the University of California, Berkeley. Her research areas are working-class culture, popular music, social movements, gender studies, prison reform, slavery networks, and disability studies. She has published Intellectual Philanthropy: The Seduction of the Masses (2018), recipient of the 2019 North American Catalan Society book award; Dissonances of Modernity: Music, Text, and Performance in Modern Spain (co-edited with Irene Gómez-Catellanos) in 2021; and Cultural Legacies of Slavery in Modern Spain (co-edited with Akiko Tsuchiya) in 2025. She is working on a book manuscript on penal colonies in the southern Philippines titled The Trial Run: Gender, Disability and Penal Colonies in the Philippines in the 19th Century, to be published at Cornell UP. She is the director of, a Digital Humanities project on music and politics. She is preparing a special issue on Disability Studies and Iberian Studies, for Hispanic Review. Vialette has recently been an invited professor at the École Normale Supérieure in Lyon, France. She is the managing editor of Catalan Review.