Rosa Alcala

Rosa (she/her) is studying Political Science and Spanish at Yale, with a focus on language accessibility and U.S. policy in Brazil and Mexico. She is also learning Portuguese. Rosa is from Guadalajara, Jalisco, and Washington State, and is deeply proud of her Mexican heritage. She advocates for language accessibility in the United States and in the workplace. Rosa is a member of Yale Latinas, a pre-development/professional group promoting Latina women, and she writes for Claro, Yale's Latino magazine. While working in the U.S. Senate, Rosa wrote a paper on the Dobbs decision's impact on Latino communities and helped secure $3 million for her local reservation. Her research interests include Bolsa Família, electronic voting in Brazil, and U.S. policies' impact on development in Mexico. Rosa enjoys playing Squash and Padel, sports popular in Latin America.
Areas of research and geographical interest
Rosa's research examines U.S. policy's impact on economic and political development in Brazil (Bolsa Família, electronic voting, polling accessibility) and Mexico (U.S. policies’ impact on development), focusing on regional and social dynamics.