Student Grant Reports
Agricultural Climate Resilience and Adaptation in Puerto Rico
Allegra Lovejoy Wiprud, School of the Environment
Sergio Infante, Department of History
Chentian Jin, Jinchen Zou, Monica Wang, Yale College
Conference Study Tour, La Selva Lacandona
Renata Lozano, Fabiola Hernandez, Sandra Chiri, Alberto Tordesillas, Maria Urrutia, Josefina Cobian, Melaina Dyck
Dominican Republic Urogynecological Trip
Aminah Sallam and Paulina Luna, Yale School of Medicine
Faculty Mentors: Dr. Anna Pancheshnikov and Dr. Ami Acharya
El Hospital de la Mujer, Santo Domingo
International Confederation of Midwives Americas Regional Conference
Jenessa Payano Stark, Yale School of Nursing
Reduced-Impact Forest Management: A Pragmatic Solution for
Conservation in the Tropics
Chris Martin, Graduate Student, F&ES
A town in a National Park? Or a National Park in a town?
Emily Sigman, Joint Masters in Global Affairs and Forestry
Eli Gavin Rau, PhD Candidate, Political Science
Trip to Cuba
Emily Sessions, PhD Candidate, History of Art
Emily Sigman, Global Affairs, School of Forestry & Environmental Science
Maria Esther Guevara, and Oscar Crespo Pinillos, Graduate Students, F&ES
Erik Woodward and Manus McCaffery, Jackson Institute for Global Affairs
Melaina Dyck, Masters of Environmental Science
Allegra Lovejoy Wiprud, School of Forestry & Environmental Science