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Grants & Fellowships

Translation Initiative Summer Fellowships for Graduate Students

In collaboration with the Whitney Humanities Center, the Translation Initiative is pleased to offer a limited amount of summer funding to complete capstone projects, or to support important next steps in research or practice. Priority will be given to current graduate certificate students, but we may also grant available funding to other applicants with excellent and compelling cases.  Applications open on March 7, 2024 and must be submitted along with a current CV by April 7, 2024. We will notify recipients in April, 2024. In early fall, fellowship recipients will be expected to submit a brief report (no more than a page) summarizing their experiences and planned next steps. For more information, email

2024 Translation Studies Summer Graduate Fellowship Application

2022 Summer Graduate Fellowships

2023 Summer Graduate Fellowships

MacMillan Center Fellowship Opportunities

Yale Student Grants Database

Undergraduate Summer Internship Program/Instructions for Students and Publishers

The Yale Translation Initiative, a program of the Whitney and Betty MacMillan Center for International and Area Studies, in conjunction with the Yale University Office of Career Strategy, facilitates summer internships for Yale students at American publishers that mainly publish works in translation or that have a division that publishes translations. For these internships, which are supported through the Office of Career Strategy’s Domestic Summer Award (DSA), students must work thirty hours a week for eight weeks at a nonprofit publisher based in the United States.

For more information on summer internships at translated oriented publishing companies and to apply:

For Students

For Publishers

Please note that summer internships at nonprofit publishers focused on translation are highly competitive and it is best to apply as early as possible in the school year.

For Students

Deadline for applications for 2023 summer internships with DSA support is May 1, 2023, midnight EDT.

There are two types of publishers in the program, nonprofit and profit publishers. All Yale undergraduates (rising sophomores, juniors, and seniors), no matter the department in which you are matriculated, are eligible for these internships. However, Yale will provide financial support through a Domestic Summer Award only for students receiving financial aid.

Although internships may be available at any company, Yale financial support of the Translation Initiative’s internship program is available only at nonprofit publishers who have registered with the Office of Career Strategy. Following is current list of participating publishers.

Nonprofit Publishers in Translation working with the Yale Translation Initiative

Archipelago Books in Brooklyn (Contact: Jill Schoolman at
Open Letter Books in Rochester, NY (Contact: Chad Post at
Restless Books in Brooklyn (Contact: Alison Gore at
Deep Vellum Books in Dallas (Contact: Will Evans at
Words Without Borders in Brooklyn (Contact: Adam Dalva at

Please note that additional publishers will be added as the Translation Initiative develops those relationships.

Students Eligible for Yale Support (Domestic Summer Award)

  • First-year student, sophomore, or junior currently enrolled in Yale College.
  • Recipient of financial aid from Yale that includes a Yale Scholarship for Spring 2019 (students on Leave of Absence may be eligible - contact OCS for more information).
  • Has not received a previous DSA. Eligible students can receive an ISA for a different summer. Students can use the DSA and ISA in the same summer as long as both meet the requirements.
  • Has secured a summer experience located in the U.S. that meets the below DSA opportunity requirements.

How to Apply for an Internship at a Translation-oriented Publisher

Step One

Find the company at which you would like to intern from the list above and click on the its name. This will take you to the publisher’s website so you can see what type of work they publish, where they are located, and other information you may find valuable.

If the publisher interests you, click on the name of the person listed above as the contact. This will open an email program. Compose an email to that person telling them who you are (a Yale undergraduate and perhaps your major) and that you are interested in applying for a summer internship. You should then ask what the application process is. That person will guide you through the application process. It is your responsibility to secure an internship before you can apply for a Domestic Summer Award from the Office of Career Strategy. Please note that if you are not on financial aid, you can still contact these publishers, but you will not be eligible for a Domestic Summer Award; any funds you receive will have to come from the publishers. You should make this clear to the publisher when you begin the process.

If you are on financial aid, once you have secured a commitment from the publisher, you should send the publisher’s contact a Host Organization Verification Form. Once you have the completed form in hand, you can begin the process of applying for a summer award. Domestic Summer Awards provide $4,000 for an eight-week summer internship.

Step Two

Click here to continue the process of applying for a Domestic Summer Award and scroll down to All other DSA-eligible opportunities will follow the steps below (Steps Two) and follow the instructions.

Full information on applying for a Domestic Summer Award from Yale is available here. If you have any questions or problems with the application form, contact Derek Webster at the Office of Career Strategy at

For Publishers

How to Register for a Yale University Summer Intern

Publisher Eligibility

If you want a Yale-supported intern,

You must be a Certified 501(c)(3) Nonprofit organization, Including a non-profit University or NGO. To confirm this status, visit Guidestar and enter the organization’s name in the Pro Search field. Because the mission of the DSA includes professional development, the Nonprofit organization must be established for at least one year and must be listed in Guidestar to be eligible.


A Local, state, federal or tribal government entity: Including a public University.

Please note that Yale-supported internships (Domestic Summer Award) through the Yale Translation Initiative are available only to nonprofit publishers. If you are a nonprofit publisher who pays interns up to $1,500 for an eight-week internship, you should continue to pay your intern that amount and Yale will provide an additional $4,000 to qualified students. If you are a profit-making publisher or a nonprofit publisher who will pay an intern directly and over $1,500 for the summer, you do not need to register as a Preferred Provider.

Publisher Responsibility

The intern must work at least at least 30 hours/week.

The internship must last at least 8 weeks. If over 8 weeks, there is no additional funding through the DSA.

The intern must have a supervisor who will provide regular supervision and mentorship throughout the summer. The supervisor must have a permanent connection to the organization, such as a permanent employee of the organization or a board member. The supervisor cannot be another student.

Please note that Yale will pay the student directly.

For more information on the Yale Translation Initiative, please email Alice Kaplan, Director, at