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Disentangling Disinformation | Coercive Control at the Micro and Macro Levels


Nicole Correri is in her fifth year of the Ph.D. program in Islamic Studies under the direction of Professor Kecia Ali. Her areas of interest include Shi’a Islam, Gender Studies, Feminist Theory, Digital Religion, and Ritual Studies. Her particular focus area is on gender construction in contemporary online English language Twelver Shi‘a religious discourse. Nicole has recently served as an intern at the Peabody Essex Museum through Boston University’s PhD Internship in the Humanities and was also a research assistant for the Database of Africana Religious Experiences in the US under the direction of Professor Margarita Guillory. In addition, Nicole has served as a CURA Fellow 2021-2022 under the theme of “Religion, Gender, and Sexuality”, and again this academic year under the theme of “Religion and Authoritarianism” She has also commpleted her Graduate Certificate in Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies through BU. In the Summer of 2019, she completed the Islamic Studies and Arabic Summer Institute at the American University in Cairo, as well as served as a Fellow in the Communities Engaging with Difference and Religion program in Indonesia. Nicole received her M.A. in Islamic Studies from Hartford Seminary in 2018.

Organized by the Program on Peace and Development at Yale University, MADE (Mass Atrocities in the Digital Era), and the Department of Social Justice Education at the University of Toronto