Kalyanakrishnan Sivaramakrishnan
Chair, South Asian Studies;
Professor, Anthropology, School of Forestry & Environmental Studies
Deborah Michelle Addington
Associate Professor, School of Architecture, and School of Forestry & Environmental Studies
Akhil Amar
Professor, Law School and Political Science
E. Annamalai
Professor Emeritus, South Asian Studies - Tamil and Anthropology
Bernard Bate
Assistant Professor, Anthropology
Dr. Pravin Bhatt
Professor Emeritus, Comparative Medicine and South Asian Studies
Shameem Black
Assistant Professor, English
Harry Blair
Lecturer, Associate Chair Political Science
William Burch
Professor, School of Forestry & Environmental Studies
Carol Carpenter
Lecturer, School of Forestry & Environmental Studies and Anthropology
Geetanjali Chanda
Lecturer, Women’s & Gender Studies & English
Nayan Chanda
Director of Publications, Center for the Study of Globalization
Jacob Dalton
Assistant Professor, Religious Studies
Nihal deLanerolle
Professor, Neurosurgery & Neurobiology
Ashwini Deo
Assistant Professor, Linguistics
Mayur Desai
Assistant Professor, Psychiatry
Saveena Dhall
Assistant Dean
Michael Dove
Professor, School of Forestry & Environmental Studies and Anthropology
Dean Hugh Flick
Silliman College; Lecturer, Religious Studies
Katherine Good
Lector, Hindi
Sarah Suleri Goodyear
Professor, English, Comparative Literature
Phyllis Granoff
Professor, Religious Studies
Stanley Insler
Professor, Linguistics
Sudhir Karunakaran
Associate Professor, School of Management
Seema Khurana
Lecturer, Hindi
Charles Long
Deputy Provost, Provost office
Mokshay Madiman
Assistant Professor, Statistics
Karuna Mantena
Assistant Professor, Political Science
Ahmed Mushfiq Mobarak
Assistant Professor, School of Management
Priyamvada Natarajan
Assistant Professor, Astronomy
Mridu Rai
Associate Professor, History
Gustav Ranis
Professor Emeritus, Economics
Kishwar Rizvi
Assistant Professor, History of Art
Mark Rosenzweig
Professor, Economics
Tamara Sears
Assistant Professor, History of Art
Subrata K. Sen
Professor, School of Management
Koichi Shinohara
Senior Lector, Religious Studies
TN Srinivasan
Professor, Economics
Shyam Sunder
Professor, School of Management
Jacob Thomas
Professor, School of Management
Christopher Udry
Professor, Economics